Pauline Abraham returned to Augsburg University in 2019 as an adjunct instructor. Previously Dr. Abraham was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nursing at Augsburg University, a position she held from 2005- 2015. In addition to her work at Augsburg, Dr. Abraham has worked at Mayo Clinic since 1984. She has held several positions over the years including staff nurse; nursing placement coordinator; and currently works for the Division of Education and Professional Development as a nursing education specialist. Dr. Abraham’s primary area of educational focus is leadership development. She has developed and facilitated many programs within the Department of Nursing at Mayo Clinic including the Nursing Leadership Perspectives Program, a leadership development program for staff nurses, and the Advanced Nursing Leadership Program for nurse executive development. She has authored several articles on the topic of leadership development and presented nationally and internationally. Dr. Abraham holds the rank of Assistant Professor of Nursing, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, and is board certified in Nursing Professional Development. She graduated with a BSN from Winona State University, Winona, MN; a Master of Art’s in Nursing and a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree from Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN.
Peer-reviewed Articles:
Abraham PJ. Developing nurse leaders: a program enhancing staff nurse leadership skills and professionalism. Nurs Adm Q. 2011 Oct-Dec; 35(4):306-12.
Abraham PJ. Building nurse executives. Nurs Manage. 2013; 44(8):52-4.
Abraham P, Burnette A, Wannarka E, Weerheim L. Nursing excellence: Leadership opportunities promote staff nurse growth and development. Nurse Leader. 2013; 11(6):61-4.
Abraham PJ, Mc Gohan LDD, Pfrimmer DM. Retaining master and DNP registered nurses in direct patient care: utilizing nurses to the fullest extent of their education. Nurse Leader. 2015 Feb; 13(1):70-4.
Research Grants Awarded
Completed Grants:
Mayo Clinic
Principal Investigator Nursing Leadership Perspectives Program Outcomes Evaluation. Funded by Nursing Research Committee, Mayo Clinic 11/2007 – 04/2009
National or International
Professionalism in Nursing October 31, 2015
Invited Keynote Speaker. Sponsored by Oita Chapter of the Japanese Nursing Association and Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Seventeenth Annual International Nursing Forum
Beppu City, Japan
Selecting RN Candidates: Finding the Right Fit-Podium Presentation September 2002
2002 Management/Advanced Practice Seminar, American Nephrology Nurses Association
San Diego, California
Embracing Leadership: Creating Your Future February 2011
Podium Presentation.
International Transplant Nurse Association
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Leadership Challenge: Developing Staff Nurses to Lead July 2011
Podium Presentation
National Nursing Staff Development Organization 2011 Convention
Chicago, Illinois
Population Health Management November 7, 2015
Keynote Speaker
Tokyo Lecture Meeting
Tokyo, Japan
Nursing Leadership in 2016 and Beyond March 9, 2016
Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing
Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Building Capacity for High Performing Interprofessional Care Teams September, 26, 2016
Co-presenters: Katrina Hynes, Dr. Patel Ashokakumar
Respiratory Nursing Society
Rochester, Minnesota
Poster Presentations
Nursing Leadership Perspectives Program 2007
Nursing Leadership Congress 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Impacting the Future of Nursing: Nurse Executive Leadership Development Oct. 4, 2016
Leading Reform and Advancing the Science of Nursing Education, 41st Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing Education and Development, Department of Nursing, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota