Dr. Addicks specializes in health and rehabilitation psychology and has worked with a diverse range of clients in VA, outpatient, primary care, and hospital settings. She previously worked as a pain and rehabilitation psychologist at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. Dr. Addicks has special clinical and research interests in the intersection of culture and health, particularly among immigrants, refugees, and individuals with limited English proficiency. Her teaching style emphasizes structural competencies in psychological assessment and treatment.
Ph.D in Clinical Psychology from West Virginia University in 2018
MS in Clinical Psychology from West Virginia University
MPH from West Virginia University
BA from New York University
Research Interests:
Content areas: health psychology, psychological assessment assessment and treatment of multicultural populations, pain psychology, rehabilitation psychology (e.g., individuals living with disability), somatic disorders, integrated behavioral health, interdisciplinary healthcare, health equity/social determinants of health
Research methodology: Varied, though predominantly quantitative
Populations: Adults, families, refugee and immigrant individuals, LGBTQ+
Professional Contributions:
Co-recipient of the Minnesota Association of Family Physicians Foundation research grant; Grant Title: “Caring Contacts for Suicide Prevention in Primary Care: Development of Culturally-informed Materials for the Karen Population” ($3000), Grant Period: 1/20/2020-1/20/2021; Principal Investigator: Stephanie Aldrin, MD
Selected conference poster and oral presentations:
Aldrin, S., Addicks, S. H., Danner, C. L., & Brink, D. (2020, March). Caring contacts for suicide prevention for Karen patients in Family medicine. Poster presented at the Minnesota Association of Family Practice Innovation and Research Forum, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Williford, D. N., Thomas, B. Ford, C. G., Addicks, S. H, Manegold, E. M., Randall, C. L., Aballay, A., Hadjuk, G., & Duncan, C. L. (2019, September). Implementing a psychosocial screener in an outpatient burn clinic. Poster presented at the meeting of the European Health Psychology Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Wright, C. D., McNeil, D. W., Manegold, E. M., Addicks, S. H., Neiswanger, K., Crout, R. J., Weyant, R. J., Foxman, B. & Marazita, M. L. (2017, November). Depression trajectories of perinatal and postpartum women in Appalachia: Results of a latent class growth analysis. Poster session presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy’s 51st Annual Convention, San Diego, California, USA, November 16 – 19, 2017
Aballay, A. M. Addicks, S. H., Ford, C., Manegold, E. M., Randall, C. L., Hajduk, G., Castanon, L., & Duncan, C. L. (2016, September). Using low-cost virtual reality technology for pain management via distraction during burn care dressing changes: A qualitative study. Paper presented at meeting of International Society of Burn Injuries. Miami, FL.
Hayes, S. E.,* McNeil, D. W., Randall, C. L., Stuchell, R., & Weaver, B. D. (2015). Distress tolerance and dental phobia [Abstract]. Journal of Dental Research, 95(Special Issue A): 0216.
McNeil, D. W., Goddard, A. W., Weaver, B. D., Hayes, S. E.,* Randall, C. L., Sirbu, C. Kaushal, G., Metzger, A., & Romito, L. M. (2014, March). From bench to chairside: Enhancing exposure treatment for dental phobia using D-Cycloserine. Paper presented at the meeting of CTSI Spring Conference. Lexington, KY.
Ward, D. M., Hayes, S. E.,* Randall, C. L., McNeil, D. W., Crout, R. J., Weyant, R. J., Marazita, M. L. (2015, November). Pain reports of African Americans living in Appalachia: The role of perceived stress. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.
Arias, M. C., Schade, M., Hayes, S. E., McNeil, D. W. Crout, R. J. Foxman, B. Marazita, M. L., Maurer, J. L., Neiswanger, K. & Weyant, R. J. (2015, November). Maternal depression is associated with infant sleep awakenings among women in Appalachia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Chicago, IL.
Hayes, S. E.*, Randall, C. L., Robinson, S. A., McNeil, D.W. (2012, November). Chronic pain moderates the relation between depression and culturally-related anxiety in American Indians: Gender differences. Poster session at the meeting of Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
Hayes, S. E.,* Luger, E. J., Bretz, M. N., Townsend, C. O., & Hooten, W. M. (2012). Comorbid addiction and chronic pain: Successful treatment in an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program [Abstract]. Pain Medicine, 13, 315. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2012.01331.x
Hayes, S. E.,* Huang, K.Y., Evans, D., Bruzzese, J.M. (2012, May). Minors’ attitudes towards peers with asthma: A developmental study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, IL.
Addicks, S. H., Danner, C., & Brandenburg, D. (2021). Are antidepressants, psychotherapy, or the combination of the two most effective for treating depression in children? Evidence-Based Practice, 24, 33-35. Doi: 10.1097/EBP.0000000000000915
Addicks, S. H., & McNeil, D. W. (2019). Randomized, controlled trial of Motivational Interviewing to support breastfeeding among Appalachian women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 48, 418-432. doi:10.1016/j.jogn.2019.05.003
Thomas, B., Ford, C., Addicks, S. H., Williford, D., Manegold, E., Randall, C. L., Aballay, A., Hadjuk, G., & Duncan, C. L. (2019). Implementation of a psychosocial screener for adults in an outpatient burn clinic. Journal of Burn Care and Research. 40(3), 331-335. Doi: 10.1093/jbcr/irz020
McNeil, D. W., Kennedy, S. G., Randall, C. L., Addicks, S. H., Wright, C. D., Hursey, K. G., & Vaglienti, R. (2018). The Fear of Pain Questionnaire—9: Brief Assessment of Fear of Pain. European Journal of Pain, 22 (1), 39-48. doi:10.1002/ejp.1074
Addicks, S. H., McNeil, D. W., Randall, C. L., Goddard, A., Romito, L., Sirbu, C., Kaushal, G., Metzger, A., & Weaver, B. D. (2017). Distress tolerance as a predictor of dental care-related fear and anxiety. JDR Clinical & Translational Research, 2, 304-311. doi: 10.1177/2380084417691962.
Wiener, R. C., Sambamoorthi, U., Hayes, S. E.,* & Chertok, I. R. A. (2016). Association of breastfeeding and the federal poverty level: National Survey of Family Growth, 2011-2013. Epidemiology Research International, 2016, doi:10.1155/2016/9783704
Krittanwong, C., Tweet, M., Hayes, S. E.,* Bowman, M. J., Gulati, R., Squires, R. W., Hayes, S. N. (2016). Usefulness of cardiac rehabilitation after Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. American Journal of Cardiology. 117(10), 1604-1609. doi:
Bruce, B. K., Harrison, T. E., Bee, S. M., Luedtke, C. A., Porter, C. J., Fischer, P. R., Hayes, S. E.,* Allman, D., Weiss, K. A., Ale, C. M. (2016). Improvement in functioning and psychological distress in adolescents with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome following interdisciplinary treatment. ePub ahead of print. Clinical Pediatrics. doi:1177/0009922816638663
McNeil, D. W., Hayes, S. E.,* Randall, C. L., Polk, D. E., Neiswanger, K., Shaffer, J. R., Weyant, R. J., Foxman, B., Crout, R. J., Chapman, S., Brown, L. J., Maurer, J. L., Marazita, M. L. (2016). Depression and a rural environment are associated with poor oral health among pregnant women in northern Appalachia in the USA. Behavior Modification, 40(1-2), 235-340.
Liang, J. I., Tweet, M. S., Hayes, S. E.,* Gulati, R., Hayes, S. N. (2013). Prevalence and predictors of depression and anxiety among survivors of myocardial infarction due to spontaneous coronary artery dissection. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 34, 138-142. doi:10.1097/HCR.0000000000000030.
Cwik, M. F., Green, J. M., Hayes, S. E.,* O’Keefe, V. M. (2013) Building research relationships with American Indian tribal communities: Experiences and lessons learned. The Behavior Therapist 36, 113-117.
Hayes, S.E.,* Huang, K.Y., Evans, D., & Bruzzese, J.M. (2012). Minors’ attitudes towards peers with asthma: A developmental study. Journal of Asthma, doi:3109/02770903.2012.743153.
Cunningham, J. L., Hayes, S. E.,* Townsend, C. O., & Hooten, W. M. (2012). Associations between spousal or significant other solicitous responses and opioid dose in patients with chronic pain. Pain Medicine 13, 1034-1039. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4637.2012.01434.x
*Formerly Sarah E. Hayes