The infamous second floor of Memorial Hall is, in my view, the best place on campus to catch aesthetic debate, creative fervor, critical insight, and ironic quipping: the snaking corridor on which my colleagues and I have our offices is the closest thing you’ll find in the Twin Cities to an 18th-century coffeehouse, minus the coffee. I’m fortunate to be part of this great tradition, and though the hallway is narrowest right around my office in Memorial 223, I’m proud to say that a lot of the literary action happens right there, opposite the restroom–an irony that isn’t lost on any of us.
So don’t wait till Advising Days: stop by for a visit and some highbrow (or middle- or even lowbrow) conversation. Let me know what you’re reading and writing, what films and plays you’ve seen, and what you’re thinking about literature and the arts, the current campus crisis (there’s sure to be one), and your aspirations and inspirations.
- B.A. Amherst College
- M.A. Brown University
- Ph.D. Brown University
Most Recent Publications and Presentations
- “Much Ado about Nothing, Guthrie Theater, and The Tragedie of King Richard II, Classical Actors Ensemble.” Shakespeare Bulletin 30.2 (Summer 2012): 155-59.
- “Twelfth Night (or What You Will), Ten Thousand Things Theater.” (Review.) Shakespeare Bulletin 30.1 (Spring 2012): 67-68. Special Theatre Review Section: Text / Performance / Memory, 51-81.
- Interview and Reading with Northfield Sidewalk Poetry Contest Winners, 2011 and 2012. Art Zany, KYMN Radio, Northfield, MN. 27 April 2012.
- Two ‘Sidewalk’ Poems. Selected by Arts and Culture Commission of Northfield, MN. 20 April 2012.
- “Back Porch: Northfield, MN” and “Autobiography: After Frank O’Hara” (Poems.) Murphy Square 2012.
- “Shakespeare and the Small-Campus Stage: A Case Study.” Shakespeare on the Campus Stage. Dr. Andrew James Hartley, UNC-Charlotte, Seminar Leader. Shakespeare Association of America Meeting, Boston, 5-8 April 2012.
- “Pink Cadillac,” “Autobiography: After Frank O’Hara,” “Back Porch: Northfield, MN,” “In Search of Poetry,” and “A Big White Dog Stands Watch at the Back Door” (Poems.) Winter Words, Northfield Arts Guild Literary Reading, 18 February 2012.
- Billy Collins Poetry Workshop (Key West Literary Seminar and Workshops, 8-11 January 2012).
- “Paradise Now.” (Poem.) Murphy Square 2011 (publication) and Murphy Square Literary Reading, Zyzzogeton Scholarship Fair, Augsburg College, April 2011.
- SAA 2011 Workshop: Performing Shakespeare for Popular Audiences, org. Prof. Stephen Purcell, Southampton Solent University. Bellevue, WA. SAA, 7-9 April 2011.
- “The Fortunes and Misfortunes of a Scholarly Day-Tripper: The Constant Becoming of a Scholarly Life.” Lecture. Speaking of Scholarship Series, Augsburg College, March 2011.
- “Elegy: Rich DuRocher (2010),” “Lifeguard,” and “Ithaca.” (Poems.) Winter Words, Northfield Arts Guild Literary Reading, January 2011.
- “The History of Sexuality: Past and Possibility.” Lecture/Presentation. Soup and Sexuality Series, Augsburg College, December 2010.
- “Macbeth at the Guthrie Theater.” Shakespeare Bulletin 28.3 (Fall 2010): 373-77.
- Presentation on Shakespeare’s Sonnets, with Terry Krier of Macalester College. The Complete Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Dir. Joe Papke and others. The Classic Actors Ensemble. May 2010.
- Post-performance Discussion Panel. Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Dir. Wendy Knox. Frank Theatre. April 2010.
- “Queer Augsburg.” Speech. Lavender Graduation. Oren Gateway Center. 21 April 2010.
- “Estranging Bedfellows: Early Modern Cinema Today.” In Presentism, Gender and Sexuality in Shakespeare. Ed. Dr. Evelyn Gajowski, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas. NY: Palgrave, 2009.
- “Course Requirement,” “Grandma’s Furs,” “Prufrock Redux,” and “You Are Dying.” Poems. Writer’s Night: Summer Sonnets (A Reading). Northfield Arts Guild. Northfield, MN. 12 August 2009.
- “Walk, Don’t Run.” Poem. Murphy Square 2009: 59. [Augsburg College Literary Annual.]
- “The Academy and ‘the Glass of Fashion.'” Op-ed. Augsburg College Echo 13 April 2009: 4.
- “End of the Line” and “Walk, Don’t Run.” Poems. Writer’s Night: Winter Words. Northfield Arts Guild. Northfield, MN. 23 January 2009.
- “Shakespeare Popular and Populist.” Review of Richard III, Ten Thousand Things, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Guthrie Theater. Shakespeare Bulletin 26.1 (Fall 2008): 68-72.
- “Branagh’s Love’s Labour’s Lost: Song of the Living Dead.” Shakespeare Bulletin 26.1 (Spring 2008): 77-96.
- “Lutefisk—Why It’s Superior to Lefse.” Second Almost-Annual Lutefisk-Lefse Debate.Zyzzogeton: Augsburg College Scholarship Fair. Spring 2008.
- “Performing Twelfth Night, Teaching Shakespeare: What You Will or What You Can?”What Can Scholars Learn from Play Directors & Vice-Versa? John Russell Brown, University College, London, Seminar Leader. Shakespeare Association of America Meeting, Dallas, March 2008.
- “In the Soup” and “À la mode de Kahlo: The Lovers.” (Poems.) Murphy Square 2008: 32, 52.
- “The Semaphore of Love: A Poetic Editorial.” (Poem.) Augsburg College Echo 5 October 2007: 5.
- “A Tune Beyond Us, Yet Ourselves.” Augsburg College 2007 Opening Convocation Speech. 8 September 2007. (NOTE: this is a 15 megabyte MP3 audio file)
- “A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Park Square Theatre, and “The Merchant of Venice, Ten Thousand Things Theatre Company.” Shakespeare Bulletin 25.2 (Summer 2007): 45-49.
- “Because It Hath No Bottom.” Poem of the Week. What Light Series. MNartists.org. 14 May 2007 http://mnartists.org/article.do?rid=146658.
- “Because It Hath No Bottom,” “A Topography of Love,” and “A Visit to Theresienstadt” (Poems). Public Reading, What Light Series. Sponsored by Magers & Quinn, Booksellers, and MNartists.org. Magers & Quinn, Minneapolis. 6 May 2007.
- “Reviewing (and) Shakespeare in Context(s).” Performance Criticism: The State of the Art. Dr. Jeremy Lopez, University of Toronto, Seminar Leader. Shakespeare Association of America Meeting, San Diego, April 2007.
- “A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Mu Performing Arts.” Shakespeare Bulletin 24.4 (Winter 2006): 69-72.
- “Grain Elevator” (Poem). Stepping Stones, Writers’ Night (Public Reading), Northfield Arts Guild. 10 November 2006.
- Organizer and Reader (along with many others). Public Reading of Ginsberg’s Howl on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Its Publication. Main Quad, Augsburg College. November 2006.
- “When the Call Comes Who Answers? Vocation from Another Angle.” Follow-up Essay forLilly Faculty Travel Seminar on Vocation, May 2006. September 2006.
- “Hamlet, Guthrie Theater.” Shakespeare Bulletin 24.3 (Fall 2006): 84-88.
- “Office Space: Or How I Spent 18 Years in the Closet at Augsburg.” Augsburg College Echo 23 September 2006: 7. Rptd. in Augsburg Now Spring 2006: 9.
Degree Area and Dissertation Title
Literature and Drama of the English Renaissance
Seneca’s Tragedies: The Elizabethan Translations
2007 Recipient of the Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Award for Excellence in Teaching
Current Areas of Teaching and Responsibility
Shakespeare; British, American, and World Drama; Criticism and Theory; Creative and Expository Writing; Film; Gender and Sexuality (Issues in Lesbian and Gay Studies); Assessment of Student Learning (English, AugCore)
Current Research and Writing Interests
Shakespeare, drama generally, performance studies; poetry and creative nonfiction; film; gender and sexuality; criticism and theory; assessment (English, humanities and fine arts, skills, general education); the crisis in reading (NEA reports, etc.)