Joan C Kunz

Professor Emerita

CB 122


  • B.S. University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1979
  • Ph.D University of Wisconsin-Madison, Inorganic Chemistry, 1985

Teaching interests

  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • General Chemistry
  • Environmental Science

Research Interests

  • Investigating lipid monolayer physical behavior (in collaboration with Prof. Ben Stuttrop in Physics)
  • Exploring sulfuric acid particle formation under photolytic conditions (in collaboration with Prof. Dave Hanson)

Recent publication

  • Stottrup, B. L., Hernandez, L.H.*, Kunz, J. C., Nguyen, A.H.*, Sonquist, B.J.*, “Comparison of cholesterol and 25-hydroxycholesterol in phase-separated Langmuir monolayers at the air-water interface”, J. Phys. Chem. B., 2014, 118 (38), pp 11231-11237.