Lindsay Markworth received her Bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy from Augsburg University in Minneapolis, MN and her Master of Music Therapy from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. She is a certified Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist, having completed the advanced training at the Nordoff-Robbins Center at New York University.
Lindsay is an active member of the music therapy community. She founded Twin Cities Music Therapy Services, LLC, an organization that provides clinical services to children and adults in the community. She has presented at the American Music Therapy Association and Great Lakes Region of Music Therapy Conferences. Her book chapter, “Self-Discoveries in the Nordoff-Robbins Level One Certification Training,” has been published in the e-book Self-Experiences in Music Therapy Education, Training, and Supervision (2013) edited by Kenneth Bruscia. Lindsay has also published a qualitative research study, Without Words: Music as Communication for Children with Autism (2014) in Qualitative Inquiries in Music Therapy.