Welcome Back Social
To kick off the school year, we host a block party for folks to gather and enjoy great company over food!
Annual Event: Oyate’ Retreat (formerly known as the Fall Leadership Retreat)
Every fall semester, we go off-campus for the weekend to build community, engage in important discussions, gain leadership tools and have fun!
Student organizations who plan the Oyate’ Retreat consist of:
- Augsburg Asian Student Association (AASA)
- Augsburg Indigenous Student Association (AISA)
- Augsburg Latin American Students (ALAS)
- Pan-Afrikan Student Union (PASU)
- International Student Organization (ISO)
MSS Scholarship Recognition Dinner
We host a formal dinner to celebrate scholarship, leadership, and identity. Scholarship recipients are welcome to invite guests to share this special moment with them. We have scholarship recognition, student speeches, and performances.