A course or workshop that is delivered entirely or mostly face-to-face. Unless otherwise noted, our in-person courses take place on Augsburg University’s Minneapolis campus. Activities and assignments may be scheduled for completion outside of class.
Live Online
A course or workshop that is delivered online via web-conferencing, with live, real-time lectures, discussions, and activities. Limited activities and assignments may be scheduled for completion outside of class.
Interactive Online
A course or workshop that is delivered online via web-conferencing, with live, real-time lectures, discussions, and activities. Additional asynchronous coursework assigned for completion outside of class sessions is made available through a course website on Augsburg’s learning management system.
Self-paced Online
A course that is delivered online, with no class meetings or fixed deadlines. These courses may be started anytime with a completion time that may vary between one month and one year (see course descriptions for specific completion requirements). Participants work independently through web-based modules to complete lessons and assignments. Continuing education staff are available for questions throughout the learning experience.
Group-paced Online
A course that is delivered online for a group of learners, with no or very few live, real-time course meetings. Participants complete web-based modules, that include independent and collaborative work, with set due dates for assignments and frequent opportunities to interact with instructors and other participants.