FINE: Reflections on Resilience
Reception: Friday, September 5, 6 – 7:30 p.m. Music by the Kennedy’s: Meg Miura and Dave Chapman
Over spring semester, 2014, Augsburg College Graphic Design I and Typography students collaborated with students at PEASE Academy, the oldest sober high school in the U.S., to explore what it means to be resilient. Themes such as addiction, recovery and common challenges that all humans face were expressed through creative writing, collage and the design of a zine.
This project was made possible with support from University of Minnesota’s Buckman Fellowship for Leadership in Philanthropy. Fellows Lois Libby Juster and Julie Longo conceived and facilitated this project.
Lois Libby Juster has a Soul Centered Energy Mind/Body Integrated Health and Healing
practice. She uses art as a tool for both her clients and herself to access moments of transformation that mark the path of healing. As a Buckman Fellow for Leadership in Philanthropy at the University of Minnesota, she used poetry and collage as tools for healing in her project. Her focus has always been to make a difference in people’s lives in a way that will make the world a better place for everyone. Her passion for making a difference in the world has taken her to many countries to be an advocate for human rights, education and women’s issues. At 80, Lois Libby continues to be an active learner, teacher and healer and is collaborating in the writing of a book on WellALLogy.
Julie Longo is a practicing graphic designer and Graphic Design Adjunct Faculty at Augsburg College, University of Minnesota College of Design, and Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Her primary professional and educational interest is in collaborative community-based design. Longo is also an active member of AIGA and serves on its Design for Good Committee.
FINE: Reflections on Resilience is a project conceived and facilitated by University of Minnesota Buckman Fellows, Lois Libby Juster and Julie Longo. The Buckman Fellowship for Leadership and Philanthropy is an initiative for the study and practice of philanthropy, leadership, and personal and community improvement. With the support of the Fellowship, Juster and Longo spent spring semester, 2014, working with recovering teens from PEASE Academy in Minneapolis and students in Longo’s Augsburg College Art 225 Graphic Design I and Art 320 Typography classes to explore what it means to be resilient. Themes such as addiction, recovery and common challenges that all humans face were expressed through creative writing, collage and the design of a zine. One of the goals of the project was to challenge stereotypes by giving young people affected by addiction a voice through self-expression and self-representation in an environment of mentorship, creativity and introspection.
The Augsburg students developed a deeper understanding of how the design process can be more effective through community collaboration and had the added benefit of working on Augsburg Experience Credit while participating in the project. All of the project participants were able to discover their own creative potential while building better social ties, networks and support.
Lois Libby Juster website:
Julie Longo website: