From Dead Man Walking to an Oasis of Hope in Nicaragua: Responding to the call of the Gospel, Supporting the Friends of Batahola, Social Justice and Building Community.
Join us for an event to raise funds for the “Friends of Batahola Organization” with a special talk from Sister Helen Prejean, book signing, musical entertainment, and reception.
Cost: $20 general admission/$15 for students with ID. Augsburg College students, faculty, and staff free with Augsburg ID. Purchase your tickets online now.
Click Here to Get TicketsAll proceeds go to the Friends of Batahola Organization, to support the work of the Cultural Center of Batahola Norte, in Managua, Nicaragua.
Saturday, September 26th, 2015
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Hoversten Chapel Augsburg College
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454