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Master of Music Therapy Students Stand Out at National Conference

November 22-24, 2019 – MINNEAPOLIS, MN: Minneapolis hosted the national AMTA Music Therapy 2019 Conference.

Augsburg students, faculty, and alumni led a large quantity of the presentations. Augsburg Professional and Graduate Studies are proud of our students and their contributions to their field of study. Congratulations.

Below is a listing of the diverse topics that were presented by Augsburg representatives:

Continuing Music Therapy Education Session

Thursday, November 21 1:30-6:30 pm

Case study research design

Annie Heiderscheit, Ph.D., MT-BC, LMFT (Director of Music Therapy), Kathy Murphy, Ph.D., MT-BC (MMT Faculty), Nancy Jackson, Ph.D., MT-BC

Concurrent sessions

Friday, November 22: 8-9:15 am

Anything I Can Do, You Can Do Better: The Impact of Impostor Phenomenon on the Therapeutic Process

Stephanie Morris, MMT, MT-BC ( MMT alum)  co-presenting

Infant Loss: Providing Quality End-of-Life Care to Littles and Their Families in Hospital and Home-Based Environments

Elisabeth Bombell, MT-BC (MMT student) co-presenting

Resiliency through Music: A Staff Care Program Model

Audrey Zybura, MT-BC (MMT student) co-presenting

Friday, November 22: 2:15-3:30 pm

Represent, Influence, Change, Energize: Uncovering the Mystery of the Assembly of Delegates

Debbie Bates, Ph.D., MT-BC (MMT faculty) co-presenting

Friday, November 22: 3:45-5 pm

Independent Contractor vs Employee: Understanding Business Relationships

Lindsay Markworth, MMT, MT-BC (MMT faculty) & Anna Brudzinski, MT-BC (MMT student)

Friday, November 22: 5:15-6:30 pm

More Voices: Honoring the Passage from Hospice Music Therapy and Beyond

Dawn McDougal Miller, MME, MT-BC (MMT faculty) co-presenting

Embracing Growth and Transformation During Your Internship: Integrating Wisdom from 100 Interns

Sandi Holten, MT-BC (Augsburg alum) & Dawn McDougal Miller, MME, MT-BC (MMT faculty)

Saturday, November 23: 8-9:15 am

Feeling Unmotivated? Integrating Self-care Through Poetry, Music, and Imagery Experiences

Dawn McDougal Miller, MME, MT-BC (MMT faculty) & Christian Nielsen, MT-BC (Augsburg alum) co-presenting

Voices of Clients and Therapist: Therapeutic Relationship during Music Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment

Annie Heiderscheit, Ph.D., MT-BC, LMFT (Director of Music Therapy)  co-presenting

Saturday, November 22: 3:15-4:30 pm

The Effects of Pre-Transplant Music Therapy for Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant

Debbie Bates, Ph.D., MT-BC (MMT faculty)

Sunday, November 24 8-9:15 am

Get Off Your Island and Find Your Team: Navigating Support for the New to Adept MT-BC

Jennifer Hicks, E-RYT, MT-BC (MMT student) co-presenting

Sunday, November 24: 11 am – 12:15 pm

Music Therapy Adaptations for Blind and Low Vision Learners of All Ages

Callie Hensler, MT-BC (MMT student) co-presenting