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Auggies Engaged in Public Policy

Augsburg Capitol Pathways 2020
Capitol Pathways 2020 Cohort


Eight Augsburg students were accepted into the 2020 Capitol Pathways cohort. Since 2016, the Capitol Pathways program from the Citizens League places college students of color in paid internships with government offices, nonprofits, corporations, and law firms where they can gain experience and build relationships in and around the Capitol.

Each year during Minnesota’s legislative session, interns can expect to accomplish several things that will help them in their future careers:

  • Build relationships with established policy leaders
  • Gain exposure to various kinds of careers in government
  • Get real-world experience in career fields they would like to learn more about
  • Create a strong professional resume

Learn more about Capitol Pathways  at


Get to know the Augsburg students who are part of the 2020 Capitol Pathways Cohort.


In’am Al-Hamouri
Internship Site: Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy

In’am Al-Hammouri, a senior at Augsburg University, is majoring in psychology, with an aspiration to attend law school. In’am has been serving on the Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota for two years as a cabinet member. In’am is committed to creating equitable policies and outcomes for women throughout the state of Minnesota. Additionally, she is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. In’am’s passion lies in Women’s rights, giving women and girls a voice. She is also passionate about Middle East conflicts. In’am served in various positions, including volunteer work at Unity Hospital, providing aid to abused women.

In’am assisted in refugee camps in Jordan, lobbied, advocated in Washington D.C, and worked with elected officials on campaigning prior to elections. In’am was an intern at Barnes & Thornburg LLP. Then, she transitioned with her mentor to Hutton Kluz Evans LLP, where she is currently expanding her knowledge and experience in the area of law. During her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, and trying new foods.

Estefani Guiracocha
Internship Site: Catholic Charities

Estefani is a second year student at Augsburg University. She is majoring in Public Policy and Accounting. Estefani is a first generation college student and hopes to pursue a career in Public Policy, advocating for marginalized and underrepresented communities. She is a TRIO/SSS student, a program that helps first generation students and low-income students overcome class, social and cultural barriers in order to complete their college education. Estefani will be interning at Catholic Charities where she will serve those that are in most need and advocate for justice in the community.

As a student at Augsburg University, Estefani has served in many leadership roles. She served as a representative in the Augsburg Day Student Government as a Class Senator. Other campus activities include being a Resident Advisor where she advises 34 first-year students and serves as a role model. Estefani also volunteers at Banyan Community which is a program designed to develop youth, strengthen families and create communities. Her passion for social justice drove her to apply to Capitol Pathways and saw this as an opportunity to learn more about the legislative process and the power that communities can have. She aspires to continue being a leader in the Latinx Community and continue making a pathway for those that come after.Through her experiences, she aspires to grow and a lead a fortune 500 company and eventually become an entrepreneur. She hopes to open new opportunities for women and first generation students.

Ivonne Hernandez
Internship Site: Ewald Consulting

Ivonne is a Junior at Augsburg University majoring in Political Science and International Relations. Prior to attending Augsburg, Ivonne received her Associates of Arts Degree at Minneapolis College where she served as a Secretary for the student organization, Raíces Unidas, and as a Director of Diversity for the Student Senate. Currently, Ivonne holds a position as a Youth Program Specialist with the nonprofit organization, Pillsbury United Communities. Ivonne loves her job because she can see the great things that youth are capable of when they are given the opportunity. Ivonne and her team focus on several opportunities to better
serve middle school and high school aged youth, some which include internships, civic engagement, goal setting, workshop presentations, and entrepreneurship learning.

As a student of color and a first generation college student, Ivonne recognizes that she has limited resources and networks to provide her with the tools that she might need to succeed after college. This is why Ivonne applied for the Minnesota Capitol Pathways Internship program. Ivonne is very excited and proud to be a part of this cohort. Ivonne has been placed with Ewald Consulting for the Spring 2020 legislative session. During her time at Ewald she will work closely with the Government and Media Relations team by monitoring committee hearings, attending floor sessions, and working on weekly articles and social media platforms. Ivonne is very excited and looking forward to strengthening her knowledge around public policy, and creating long lasting relationships.

Ahlam Mussa
Internship Site: Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

Ahlam is currently a sophomore at Minneapolis Community & Technical College and will be graduating at Augsburg University with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Pre-Law Concentration and a Communication Studies minor. She is exclusively a member of the Phi Kappa Theta Sorority and has been a part of different minority-based advocacy groups and organizations. She has centered a lot of her volunteer work in her own community of Cedar-Riverside, being the voice to both the youth and elders in this East African based community. As a first generation college student of two immigrant parents, she has decided to pursue a career in civil and immigration rights. She has joined the Capitol Pathways program to broaden her aspects on the kind of work she wants to do post-grad, whether it be policy work or otherwise. She plans to attend law school straight out from undergrad and utilize her J.D. to make a change on behalf of minority backgrounds and immigrants. Currently, Ahlam is interning with Fredrikson and Byron and representing clients to campaign for certain bills as she learns the policy making process.

Abdulkadir Sharif
Internship Site: Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P

Abdulkadir Sharif is a graduating senior at Augsburg University, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Public Policy. At Augsburg, Abdulkadir has been involved with the pan-Afrikan student union, student government and residence life. He is also a Bonner Leader Scholar where he has interned with the Minneapolis Public Schools, Trinity Lutheran Congregation, Pan-Afrikan Center and the Environmental Stewardship Committee. Additionally, Abdulkadir was awarded a David L. Boren Scholarship to study in Tanzania, is a recipient of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to South Africa and Namibia and was most recently a Public Policy and International Affairs fellow at Princeton University. Abdulkadir hopes to one day pursue a career in foreign policy, focusing on economic development, conflict resolution and security in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Abdulkadir applied to the Capitol Pathways program to better understand the legislative process, Minnesota politics and how to effectively advocate for marginalized communities. Abdulkadir will be interning with Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P this legislative session.

Lay Lay Zan
Internship Site: City of Minneapolis

Lay Lay is a Karen, third-year student, and Act Six scholar at Augsburg University majoring in International Relations with a concentration in pre-law and minoring in French. Lay Lay is a 1.5 generation immigrant and a first-generation college student, and she aspires to become an immigration lawyer for the Karen community in Minnesota. As a student at Augsburg University, Lay Lay has served in leadership roles. She was the relations and Marketing officer for the Augsburg Asian Student Association (AASA), and a food coordinator for Campus Kitchen and Campus Cupboard. Her interests and passion for social justice and civic engagement led her to be a part of the of the LEAD Fellows (Leaders for Equity, Action, and Democracy) program that is a part of the national network of Bonner Programs, that has allowed her to serve and engage with her campus community.

In her home community, Lay Lay is passionate about advocacy and development for the Karen community. She is a board member of the Karen Football Association, a non-profit organization that is the official governing body of the Karen Women’s and Men’s National Soccer Teams, with the purpose to promote gender equity. This experience has only increased her passion to serve underrepresented communities, and this is why she applied to the Capitol Pathways program. It is imperative for students of color to be involved at the capitol, because government should be representative of our communities.


Original source for bios: