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Wells Fargo makes $100,000 gift to the Center for Science, Business, and Religion

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In recognition of Augsburg College’s leadership in closing the higher education disparity gap for students of color in Minnesota, Wells Fargo has made a gift of $100,000 to the campaign to build the Center for Science, Business, and Religion (CSBR).

Wells Fargo joins several other corporations (including U.S. Bank, 3M, and General Mills) in supporting the CSBR.

In a statement, Dave Kvamme, CEO of Wells Fargo Minnesota, expressed admiration for Augsburg’s commitment to partnering with College Access programs like College Possible to help recruit, support, and retain first-generation and low-income students.

“We support Augsburg College’s commitment to provide opportunities for a college education for those students who may face life challenges to attain it,” said Kvamme. “We know our donation will help Augsburg be successful in developing Minnesota’s future business and community leaders.”

Nearly 120 alums of College Possible are currently enrolled at Augsburg and receiving intrusive advising to help them achieve academic success. Intrusive advising connects faculty advisors, academic advisors, coaches, and other academic partners on a near-daily basis to gain a better understanding of each student’s progress – using lead indicators like attendance, health, and financial stress to identify and address risks.

“Augsburg understands its student body and offers a wealth of student support services to meet the needs of its community,” said Jim McCorkell, CEO and Founder of College Possible. “Four different multicultural student offices, TRiO/SSS, academic skills coaches, disability services, and the StepUP program, which serves students in recovery, all exist to support the student experience. Rarely do I see a college as committed to access and success as Augsburg College.”

“We rely on partnerships with flagship companies like Wells Fargo not only to enrich the educational experience of our students but also to help improve how we share our own resources with our neighborhood and the broader community,” said Paul Pribbenow, President of Augsburg College.

The facility will be 135,000 square feet in size and, when fully completed, will include eight classrooms, 24 laboratories, and 6,000 feet of student and faculty research space. Centralized administrative services, kitchens, meeting rooms and lounges will provide opportunities for spontaneous, informal learning and will support cost-effective sharing of resources such as support staff and equipment.

“By encouraging students to think and act across the boundaries of ideas, values, and disciplinary perspectives, the CSBR will help Augsburg prepare them for civic agency in a complex world,” said Pribbenow.

In addition to this grant, Wells Fargo continues to fund a scholarship program through the Minnesota Private College Fund. The fund, started in 1976, provides scholarships at each of the 17 Minnesota Private Colleges, including Augsburg.

Delegates from Wells Fargo’s Diversity Council Leadership Team visited the campus on December 18th, 2014 to present a check to a group of Augsburg student leaders.

Pictured above (left to right, from back): Ann Garvey, Vice President of Student Affairs; Carolyn Roby, Vice President at Wells Fargo Foundation of MN; MayKao Fredericks, Vice President Community Affairs – MN Region; Joel Taylor, System Engineer and Chair of Black/African American Member Network; Joe Ravens, Area Bank President; Wael Abdelkader, Mortgage Implementation Consultant and Chair of Middle East Team Member Network; Carla Foster, HR Consultant and Diversity and Inclusion Council Advisor; Jay Peterson, Assistant Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations; Paul Pribbenow, President; Karen Kaivola, Provost and Chief Academic Officer; Lauren Canales; Shoua Lee, Community Development Officer/Financial Education; Vincent Henry; Janet Morales, Manager of College Access Partnership, Koal Williams; Duina Hernandez; Laurel Rohloff, Nazih Safi, and Cuong Nguyen.