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Zena Vue | Senior Show

dab neeg thiab ntawv (folktale and text) | ZENA VUE

Throughout this exhibit. I work digitally through the Adobe creative suite with their applications such as Photoshop and Illustrator. The dab neeg found in this exhibit takes inspiration from the book, Folk Stories of the Hmong by Norma J. Livo and Dia Cha, as well as popular Hmong movies from the early 2000s.

Slideshow of Artwork


Give your feedback about the show, support an emerging artist.

Artist Statement

Stories have always fascinated me as a child. I watched and rewatched Nuj Nplhaib Thiab Ntxawm(folktale featured in the exhibit) more times than I can count. I reenacted almost every single scene as an impressionable child and loved the story dearly. Some of my favorite children’s shows were Dragon Tales and Cyberchase, both story driven and magical in their own ways. From there, I became an avid reader as I learned the English language. From the Percy Jackson series to Alanna by Tamora Pierce, I was filled with the fantastical. Eventually as I stopped reading, I began noticing my own stories and revisiting Hmong folktales(dab neeg).

The current Hmong language used by Hmong-Americans is called the Hmong Roman Popular Alphabet, introduced about 70 years ago. Being children of immigrants, English was the priority to learn and Hmong eventually became secondary. Therefore, I have no formal education in Hmong. It is an instinctual language and I wish to preserve it in the limited ways I can. Having exposure to typography and hand lettering throughout university, I now approach Hmong as another way to express my art. I am not fluent but by connecting through art, I will continue to use Hmong. Finding meaning in dab neeg and ntawv, I strive to preserve Hmong language.

Throughout this exhibit, I work digitally through the Adobe creative suite with their applications such as Photoshop and Illustrator. The dab neeg found in this exhibit takes inspiration from the book, Folk Stories of the Hmong by Norma J. Livo and Dia Cha, as well as popular Hmong movies from the early 2000’s.



Zena Vue is a Hmong-American visual artist and graphic designer based in the Twin Cities. She is currently seeking a bachelor of arts degree in graphic design and creative writing. She mainly deals with an interplay of typography and illustration. Her practice includes both digital and analog techniques.

Virtual Mock-up

Due to COVID-19 the show in the physical gallery space has been delayed. Here is a virtual representation of what it will look like in the Gallery720 space.

Justice Jones | Senior Show


Out of Form is a collection of self-portraits, feelings, and thoughts. It is a direct reflection of Jones’s reality as a multi-racial, bi-sexual, bi-polar, schizophrenic woman.

Slideshow of Artwork

Give your feedback about the show, support an emerging artist.

Artist Statement

I’ve always used art to process my experiences and navigate my mental health. I thought my old sketchbooks would give me a definition of self, but I no longer knew the girl who made them. Out Of Form was created as an intentional act of self awareness. I focused on discovering my foundations from childhood through the use of primary colors and basic shapes and lines. I juxtaposed this exploration with figures that change in color, size and shape just as we shift to adapt to our experiences. As I continue moving through the various stages of life, I wonder how much choice we are truly afforded in who we become.


Justice Jones is an artist, educator and activist completing her final year at Augsburg University as a studio art major. Her passion for learning invites her to explore many different media. Justice practices community space-making, organizing, and activation as a Tactical Urbanism instructor’s assistant at Juxtaposition Arts. She uses foundational elements of fine art to explore and process her experiences and the idea of nature versus nurture as opposed to choice in who we become. Her work on Juxtaposition Arts’ mural team, her business, and Out Of Form, are all informed by these values and beliefs.

Virtual Mock-up

Due to COVID-19 the show in the physical gallery space has been delayed. Here is a virtual representation of what it will look like in the Gallery720 space.