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Seven reasons all Social Work students should study abroad with CGEE Mexico

This post was written by Brittney Westward, alumni of our Social Work program! Currently back in Mexico, volunteering with the CGEE students in Cuernavaca. 


Here are my top seven reasons why all Social Work students should study abroad with CGEE Mexico:

(1) To expand your network of social workers.

Our program accepts students from all over the country. This will give you the chance to create meaningful relationships with other future social workers. Also, within our semester program, there is a two-week exchange with Mexican Social Work students which gives you the opportunity to make international social work connections and friendships.

—> Check out this video giving a glimpse of what the exchange program with Mexican students looks like.


(2) Complete an internship abroad.

Not only will an internship in Mexico challenge you and help you grow as a social worker, but it will also look great on resumes and grad school applications!

—> Check out Natalie’s internship at a school.

—> Check out one of our internship sites, Con Nosotros, an alternative school for kids with Cerebral Palsy.



(3) ¿Hablas Español?

Studying abroad in Mexico will give you the chance to improve on or begin to learn Spanish. With a rising Latino population in the U.S., learning Spanish will open the door to many other job and career possibilities. Students take Spanish courses at our partner school Universal Language School.

Did I mention that they have a pool?


(4) Learn from the experts!

Our educational framework brings you out of the classroom to learn about social work’s core principles like service, social justice, dignity, importance of human relationships, integrity and cultural competence. Learn directly from those that are being affected by current policies, and those working to make a change in their own country such as migrant workers, LGBTQIA rights activists, indigenous peoples, farmers, and more!

(5) Experiences like no other.

So what did you do this weekend? Eat lunch on top of a pyramid, climb a volcano, visit a world renowned museum, or travel to one of Mexico’s popular cities? While you’re in Mexico you will have the option to go on numerous phenomenal excursions!


(6) Graduate on time.

The Social Work program is designed so you can complete your core social work classes and internship while abroad. You may also be able to complete other requirements like foreign language, physical fitness, art or religion, while you are abroad.

(7) Take a Chance – when will you get to have such an amazing experience such as this?!

Let’s be honest, when will you get another chance like this? After graduation the opportunities to travel or spend a whole semester abroad become more and more challenging, with work, family and the demands we all have at home! So take this chance to expand your horizon, experience new things and have a blast doing it!



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