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CGEE Guest Speaker on Central America

Join CGEE in welcoming our newest instructor, Fernanda Soto Joya, PhD, to the Augsburg campus during International Education Week 2018! Fernanda will be discussing the current political situation in Guatemala & Nicaragua – two of Augsburg’s global study center locations.

The presentation “Social Change and Politics in Nicaragua and Guatemala” is an excellent opportunity for the Augsburg community to be updated on the current events in locations where Augsburg has a global presence, as well as meet CGEE’s newest instructor! Please join us from 3:30 – 4:30 pm in the East Commons on Thursday, November 15th, and enjoy Central American coffee and thoughtful discussion. There will be time for socializing before and after the presentation.

This event is a part of a week-long “International Education Week”, an national push for more global awareness on US college campuses and universities. Check out social media hashtags at #IEW2018 to see how others’ are celebrating this year!

Staff photo headshot soto



About Dr. Soto Joya:
Fernanda Soto Joya, PhD, is a Honduran/Nicaraguan anthropologist whose research includes mestizo and indigenous communities in the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua and Honduras. Her current projects include research with colleagues at Michigan State University, defining a feminist collaborative research project in Nicaragua; the Institute of Development Policy (IOB) at Antwerpen University in Belgium teaching a class on intersectionality and feminist decolonial thought; and Northumbria’s University in England on a memory project about the war in Nicaragua during the 1980s.