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International Education Week 2021


What is IEW?

IEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education that celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. Augsburg University, the Center for Global Education and Experience, International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) and the International Student Organization (ISO) will be celebrating the week with multiple activities and events!

Keep an eye out in the daily A-mail for events, as well as ISO’s Instagram account: @iso_auggie and the study abroad office Instagram account: @global_auggies

2021 Events and Activities

Tuesday, November 16:

  • Power of Language, Christensen Center Lobby, 9am-noon

    • Auggies come from around the world and speak many languages. Stop by the Power of Language table in Christensen to learn more about study abroad programs that focus on studying language abroad!

Wednesday, November 17:

  • Study Abroad Tabling, Christensen Lobby, 11:30 -1pm

    • Come to get inspired and get more information about global opportunities available to Auggies!

Thursday, November 18:

Friday November 19:

  • Summer Study Abroad in Health Sciences Webinar, On Zoom, 10-11am
    • Explore courses for pre-med, pharmacy, physical therapy and more – next summer in Cyprus! Register in advance for the Summer Health Sciences in Cyprus webinar.