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Alumni Careers

What can you do with a major or minor in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies?  There is no one career path that our graduates follow.  They have gone on to become pastors, to attend an MFA program in Creative Writing, to attend law school, to work in social and human services, and even to work for the Girl Scouts.

What they all have in common, though, is the experience of Women’s Studies as life-changing.

Become who you are – who you’re meant to be. Women’s Studies helps you start looking for that person. – 2008 graduate

Women’s Studies was, for me, a remarkable self-discovery and an eye-opening journey. – 1993 graduate

I live with my teenage son – and with a multitude of ‘critters’ – on a 9-acre hobby farm…Women’s Studies… gave me the [courage] to move to a place where I’d experience a whole new lifestyle. – 1992 graduate

I speak from the standpoint of a much older student.  Learning women’s history was empowering…  I took those women as mentors, trail blazers, heroes to give me confidence in my life path.  Awareness of others, the marginalized, the silent, softens my heart to strive for justice and equity for all, not just certain people or nations. – 2005 graduate

Our graduates tell us that, regardless of their vocation, Women’s Studies has made a difference in how they do the work that they do.

I am an interim pastor.  [Women’s Studies] has helped me with counseling both men and women, and in particular, pre-marriage counseling.  There are young women clergy who are carrying heavy loads (marriage, pregnancy, raising children… working at places where they aren’t…respected).  [Women’s Studies has helped me in] talking to them, letting them know they have value in ALL aspects of their lives. – 1992 graduatePerhaps what’s most related to my employment is learning to interact with all kinds of people and families. Women’s Studies theories and courses do a lot of mind opening which helps in understanding people from all walks [of life]. – 2008 graduate

I’m currently a law student… Having a Women’s Studies minor from Augsburg provides for a unique perspective on the laws’ impact on women’s issues… I wrote my fifty-five page legal comment on maternity leave policies internationally and their discriminatory impact on men and women. – 2006 graduate

My son will be a protector/warrior for women. – 1992 graduate

Why not see what Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies has to offer you?