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Interview with the late Congressman Martin Sabo ’59 to be shared this fall

An interview with Martin Olav Sabo ‘59, whose rise to politics was supported by Augsburg University students, is expected be available this fall at the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship website.

One year after graduating from Augsburg, Sabo—then 22— was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives. During his tenure, he became the first member of the Democrat-Farmer-Labor party to serve as Speaker of the House and went on to the U.S. House of Representatives, retiring in 2007. Sabo died in 2016.

A link to a shortened version of the interview, with closed captioning and video description, should be available this fall. Chair of Political Science and Sabo Fellow Andy Aoki successfully applied for an Augsburg Sesquicentennial Faculty Project award to pay for the closed captioning and video description that was required to be able to post it online.