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Watch Videos from the Augsburg Sesquicentennial Gala

Thank you to everyone who helped us kick-off Augsburg’s Sesquicentennial at the Gala on Friday, September 27! The evening was filled with uniquely-Augsburg moments and our guests made a lasting impact as we raised $1.4 million in support of our mission.

Along with the guest speakers and beautiful performances by the Bob Stacke All-Star Band, The Augsburg Choir and The Sesquicentennial Singers, three videos were shown during the evening that tell the Augsburg story from our origins, to who we are today, to the impact we make for students. Please feel free to watch and share them with friends and family!


What are Augsburg’s origins? Our history has so many layers to it. As we continue to grow in our 150th year, we want to look back and honor everything that has brought us to this point.

We Are Auggies

“We Are Auggies,” written and performed by Donte Collins ’18, is a true embodiment of what it means to be an Auggie.

Inspiring Future Leaders

Meet Chung Lip ’18, Lyle Nyberg ’18, and Blair Stewig ’18, future leaders in public health and the sciences. Their stories were shared at our Sesquicentennial Gala right before we went on to raise $1.4 million during our giving opportunity portion of the evening. Thank you to everyone who helped to invest in our students and in Augsburg last night!

Get Your Ticket Now! A Few Spots have Opened Up at the Sesquicentennial Gala

150 sealWe have a small number of tickets now available for the upcoming Sesquicentennial Gala on September 27, 2019. Augsburg employees can purchase up to two tickets at $75 each. Additional tickets or tickets purchased by non-employees are $150. We have put a lot of work into creating this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime event for all of our alumni and friends to celebrate Augsburg that can now include you! 

If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact Ilse Rolf ASAP to secure your spot at or by calling 612-330-1512.

Augsburg’s Sesquicentennial Gala will be held on Friday, September 27 at the Minneapolis Depot. This event includes 1,000 alumni, past and present faculty, and community members who care a lot about the mission of Augsburg. There will be a reception, dinner, and a dance! Hotel information and more is posted on the Gala webpage.

Get a Free Ticket to the Sesquicentennial Gala Kick-Off Dance

Fox Trot Dance Steps

Augsburg’s Sesquicentennial Gala is sold out but there are free tickets available to attend the gala dance that will kick off the celebration of Augsburg’s 150th year. How can you get a free ticket to attend the Sesquicentennial Kick-Off Dance at the Minneapolis Depot on Friday, September 27 at 9 p.m.?

Augsburg is offering free group dance lessons in Hoverston Chapel from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the days listed below. Attend one or more dance lessons and you’ll receive a free ticket to attend the Sesquicentennial Kick-Off Dance! These dance lessons are open to alumni, parents, employees, and students who are interested in attending the Sesquicentennial Kick-Off Dance. Space is limited so please RSVP today.

A professional dance teacher will lead each session focusing on a different song and dance that will be played during the Gala. These lessons do not require you to come with a partner.

Register online for one or more of the following dates or call 612-330-1512 (registration is limited!):

August 20: Foxtrot — “Fly me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra

August 27: Waltz — “Moon River” by Andy Williams

September 5: Swing — “In The Mood” by Glen Miller

September 10: Rumba — “Fields of Gold” by Sting

September 17: Cha Cha — “Smooth” by Santana

All lessons will be taught in Hoverston Chapel from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Augsburg’s Sesquicentennial Gala – Join the Waitlist

Update: This event is now sold out. If you are interested in being added to the waitlist, please follow the registration link and add your name. We will let you know as soon as possible if we have ticket(s) available!

Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime event. On Friday, September 27, 2019, we kick off Augsburg’s sesquicentennial with a gala in downtown Minneapolis. This gala will acknowledge our history of pursuing the calling to serve the community, and it will rally our energetic support for the next 150 years of Augsburg University.

During this unprecedented evening, we will share stories of gratitude and hope for the future. We will celebrate with friends who have been a part of the community: alumni, parents, faculty, and staff. We’ll enjoy moments to reflect, share, and give while surrounded by the relationships that have always been at the heart of Augsburg.
We look forward to seeing you there.

—Darcey Engen ’88 and Jeff Swenson ’79
Sesquicentennial Committee co-chairs

Event Details

Friday, September 27, 2019

4:30 p.m. Reception, 6 p.m. Program

Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot

225 3rd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55401

This event will likely sell out. Order today to reserve your place.

Learn more about the Sesquicentennial and subscribe to our calendar.