What does American Indian, First Nations, and Indigenous Studies Offer?
The American Indian, First Nations, and Indigenous Studies Department offers students the opportunity to learn about the original, indigenous cultures of North America. It provides a multidisciplinary understanding of the history and present situation of Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The Department emphasizes the interrelations among history, culture, language, literature, the arts, philosophy, religion, political and social forces, and the legal status and sovereignty of American Indians. A variety of courses expose students to the richness and beauty of North American Indian cultures.
The American Indian, First Nations, and Indigenous Studies Department nurtures in students an understanding of American Indian cultural diversity, spirituality and philosophical thought, major themes of Indian-White relations, contemporary issues in Native communities, and the implications of colonialism on Native peoples. The courses supply frameworks and tools for deeply exploring these areas and for rethinking how cultural assumptions about Native American peoples manifest in forms that influence both American Indian and non-Indians.
What is Unique About American Indian, First Nations, and Indigenous Studies?
The American Indian, First Nations, and Indigenous Studies Department presents students with the opportunity to work with and acquire knowledge of American Indian peoples and communities.
The Department offers a wide range of topics to study including Native American history, politics, and contemporary issues; oral traditions, story telling, literature, art, and film; religion and philosophical thought; and Ojibwe language.
Augsburg’sAmerican Indian, First Nations, and Indigenous Studies Department makes available to students the unique opportunity to participate in the Native American Film Series; local, national, and international travel seminars; cultural excursions; and internships.
*Photograph of students on the Indigenous Issues of Chiapas travel seminar.