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Tribal Special Education Cohort

Naadamaadiwin, “Helping One Another” Tribal Special Education Cohort

A partnership between the Augsburg University Master of Arts in Education program and the University of Minnesota Duluth Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Language Revitalization.
MAEtribalBeginning fall 2012, Augsburg University and the University of Minnesota Duluth will begin a third cohort offering a post-baccalaureate special education license with a focus on tribal communities and learning styles.

The Schedule

This program will be offered in an online format. Courses follow a semester schedule with four semesters and one summer session of instruction. Augsburg and UMD cohorts will complete online coursework; they will also participate in an initial orientation and approximately two face-to-face meetings with faculty each semester. Students may be placed in student teaching positions within the Twin Cities or Duluth metropolitan areas, or out-state if supervising teachers are available.

Students wishing to earn a Master of Arts in Education from Augsburg will be required to complete four additional graduate level courses on campus. Please review the Augsburg and UMD Tribal Cohort Articulation Agreement for more information.


To participate in the licensure program, students must be enrolled in the education department at Augsburg University. In order to be admitted, students must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants with a 2.5 to 2.99 GPA may be admitted conditionally; contact Augsburg for more information.

To apply, complete the MAE application, request two official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions, and submit a personal statement of 500 words. The application deadline is June 1, 2012.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Students will be charged the graduate level tuition rate per course credit. Tuition is comparable for Augsburg and UMD students. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. To complete the FAFSA, the free application for student aid, go to Go to for more information.

American Indian Student Services

For questions regarding services for Native students at Augsburg, including financial aid assistance, please contact Jennifer Simon, Director of American Indian Student Services, at 612-330-1144 or go to Many tribes offer funding for college through their Education Departments. There are a variety of deadlines depending on your tribal affiliation and enrollment, some as early as March 1st.


Augsburg University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. For more information, see Accreditation, Approvals, and Memberships.

For more information, contact:

Susan O’Connor

Associate Professor of Education

Graduate Admissions