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Beyond the Classroom

American Indian Student Services

The Augsburg American Indian Student Services Program is a multifaceted office established in 1978 to recruit and retain American Indian students. It is a national model of success and continues to have one of the highest retention and graduation rates of Indian students in the state of Minnesota.

Today more than 100 Indian students have graduated from Augsburg, and each year approximately 50 students are enrolled both full and part time, undergraduate and graduate, representing over 20 tribal nations.

We Offer Assistance With:

  • The admissions process
  • Financial aid procedures and completion of applications
  • Orientation and registration
  • Coursework selection
  • Individual education plans
  • Academic advising and career counseling
  • Community and professional referrals
  • Intervention/crisis counseling/advocacy

Native American Film Series

The Augsburg Native American Film Series (ANAFS) grew out of a love for film and a desire to increase the number of venues for Native American filmmakers in Minneapolis.  The energy that drives the ANAFS is based on a commitment to affecting the world through artistic collaboration and a belief in the power of film to inform, affect, and stimulate vastly different groups of people.  Our goals include the following:

  • Offer regional venues for Native American filmmakers—both seasoned and youth—to present their films and engage other communities in dialogue about the films and the process and politics of working as a Native American filmmaker.
  • Build collaborative relationships between the local Native American community and other communities that honor the rich tradition of Native American film in Minnesota and the surrounding area.
  • Develop an interactive environment where students and community participants critically engage with the tough issues raised by many Native filmmakers about America’s history, our contemporary culture, and social justice.
  • Provide a traveling selection of films to rural and reservation communities during the summer.
  • Ensure that all film screenings are free to the public.

For upcoming film events, please visit the Native American Film Series website.

Traditional Powwow

Every year, Augsburg hosts a traditional powwow. See the powwow page for more information.