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A Strategic Vision

121115_classroom_0063[1]In January 2013, the Augsburg Board of Regents launched a strategic planning initiative that involved conversation and input from across the campus community. The outcome of that work is a strategic vision statement that looks out to 2019, Augsburg’s sesquicentennial year:

In 2019, Augsburg University will be a new kind of student-centered, urban university, small to our students and big for the world.

“Small to our students” reflects the relationships, community, and personal attention that are hallmarks of the educational experience at Augsburg. “Big for the world” acknowledges the significant impact we know our students—and alumni—do and will make in the world.

The strategic plan is grounded in Augsburg’s mission statement, which was updated in 2010. The plan is organized into three categories, or dimensions, each with three goals. The strategic vision will anchor the University’s institutional initiatives and priorities throughout the next five years, reflecting the values and commitments stated in our mission:

Augsburg educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community that is committed to intentional diversity in its life and work. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies, guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran church, and shaped by its urban and global settings.

Below is a brief outline of the three dimensions and nine goals of the strategic plan. For more detail, see the Augsburg2019 PDF.


Dimension 1

Educating for lives of purpose—across the disciplines, beyond the classroom, and around the world.

The first dimension articulates OUR ACADEMIC DISTINCTION. Following are the three goals in this dimension:

Goal 1: Because we seek to prepare students for civic agency in a complex world, Augsburg’s signature curricula prepare students to think and act across the boundaries of ideas, value, and disciplinary perspectives.

Goal 2: Because an Augsburg education is defined by excellence, the University recruits, retains, supports, and celebrates an accomplished faculty fully committed to the academic and personal success of students.

Goal 3: Because we believe in meeting students where they are while challenging them to achieve, Augsburg equips all students to succeed.

Dimension 2

At the table with our neighbors and institutional partners, shaping education to address the world’s needs.

The second dimension focuses on OUR REPUTATION AND IDENTITY. The three goals in this dimension are:

Goal 4: Augsburg is a vibrant and diverse learning community, intentionally reflective of a complex, interconnected world.

Goal 5: Augsburg is fully engaged in community, industry, and education partnerships, equipping students to discover their gifts, discern their vocations, and open doors to careers.

Goal 6: Because leadership calls us out into the world in bold and embodied ways, Augsburg is widely known for its core commitments—faith and spiritual inquiry, vocational discernment, civic engagement, and global understanding.

Dimension 3

Built for the future—a vital and sustainable institution.

The third dimension is about how OUR INSTITUTION WILL THRIVE NOW AND IN THE FUTURE. The goals in this dimension are:

Goal 7: As a place-based institution—in, of, and anchored by the communities we serve—Augsburg University facilities are welcoming, sustainable, and designed for educational excellence enriched by neighbors and partners.

Goal 8: Augsburg is a 21st century university designed to keep our promises.

Goal 9: Augsburg is a sustainable and vital force for educating future generations.