During each academic year, the University community focuses on a set of strategic initiatives that move us closer the vision of Augsburg 2019.
Strategic Initiatives for 2018-19
- Develop and pilot a user-friendly data analytics framework to support academic, enrollment and financial planning.
- Prototype and beta test a vocation-focused e-portfolio, designed to become a distinctive and synthesizing element of Augsburg’s undergraduate program.
- Plan and launch Augsburg’s year-long sesquicentennial celebration.
- Develop a comprehensive plan for the Strommen Center, positioning workforce readiness and alignment as one strategic focus of the Augsburg2025 plan.
- Develop the Augsburg2025 strategic plan.
Strategic Initiatives for 2017-18
- Develop a multi-year, integrative academic plan for Augsburg University that articulates a distinctive academic vision, aligns academic programs and committees with a new university structure, clarifies roles and responsibilities
, strengthens administrative support for faculty work, and refines key processes and organization of academic administration.
- Develop a new student-centered general education curriculum that expresses and responds to Augsburg’s institutional distinctiveness, commitments, and urban location.
- Redouble our efforts as a leader in experiential education; expand and integrate experiential learning opportunities, especially those that build equity, increase student readiness, and open doors to meaningful work.
- Organize facilities management to build on the strategic impact exemplified by the Hagfors Center; implement multi-year, inclusive facilities planning and proactive management focused on our distinctively urban campus experience and excellent design.
- Improve financial management at all levels of the organization, strengthening practices of multi-year budget planning, strategic prioritization of resources, forecasting and modeling.
Strategic Initiatives for 2016-17
- Complete campus master plan update to address priorities informed by Hagfors Center completion.
- Improve performance against enrollment targets in the Adult Undergraduate (AU) and Rochester programs.
- Implement student success initiatives and advising framework, informed by program review recommendations, to improve student progress to graduation by 2 percent in 2017.
- Further integrate diversity and inclusion efforts into teaching & learning, hiring, and student success programs, with a focus on building toward equity.
- Develop case and implementation plan to become Augsburg University in name and structure.
- Design and launch new alliance with Luther Seminary; complete initial shared services implementation.
- Develop and test endowment campaign case focused on teaching and learning, affordability, and Augsburg’s areas of distinction.
Strategic Initiatives for 2015-16
- Complete CD phase and plan groundbreaking for the Center for Science, Business, and Religion.
- Equip systematic program development and enhancement for enrollment growth.
- Create comprehensive plan to become the premier private higher education provider in Rochester.
- Launch next phase of Augsburg Promise initiative, new alignment of efforts to raise retention and graduation rates.
- Organize ongoing, systematic effort to increase faculty and staff diversity.
- Update shared leadership structures.
- Position Augsburg as anchor institution, taking a lead role locally and nationally.
- Consider becoming Augsburg University.