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Family Foundations Renew their Support of StepUP Program

StepUp Meeting

We are grateful to the Trillium Family Foundation and the C. Charles Jackson Foundation for their renewed support of the StepUP Program. Founded in 1997, the StepUP program strives to help Augsburg students champion lives of recovery, achieve academic success, and thrive in a residential community of accountability and support. The program has 82 current enrollees and 658 alumni.

With over half of the 200 residential collegiate recovery program beds in the country, StepUP is in a unique position to lead and to grow. With the generosity of these two foundations, StepUP aims to increase its capacity, enroll more students, and provide new ways for students to strengthen their leadership skills.

Since there is no additional cost for Augsburg students to participate in the program, StepUP relies on philanthropic contributions from individuals, corporate foundations, and family foundations to provide a staff of experienced, knowledgeable, licensed counselors, as well as leadership programming and other events throughout the year.

To learn more, visit StepUP’s website.