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Auggies Go to the Capitol

Senator Kari Dziedzic and Representative Diane Loeffler’77

Wednesday February 25, a group of Augsburg students and staff spent the day at the Minnesota State Capitol with Minnesota Private College Council(MPCC).  Every year, the MPCC invites students to advocate for continued Minnesota State Grant Support.

Our day began with walking to the Green Line on a rather frigid day. Once we arrived at the Capitol, we made our way to the meeting room. Sen. Kari Dziedzic, Representative Diane Loeffler, Danna Elling, DFL Senate researcher, and Auggie parent, and her daughter Libby Schultz ’13, a graphic designer for MNDOT, shared their connection to Augsburg and their vocation.

Augsburg participants wrote 35 notes to co-chairs of the higher-ed committee, their senators, and thank you notes to Governor Dayton. Each student also met with their representative to thank them for their support of the MN State Grant and advocate for Governor Dayton’s budget proposal for a $25 million addition and expanded support for day students and adult undergraduates.

Thank you to the 19 students who dedicated their day to support the Minnesota State Grant and for faculty and alumni support. See you next year!