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Nobel Peace Prize Forum – Thank You Sponsors

Nobel Peace Prize Forum Inspring Peacemaking


The 29th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum — Minneapolis took place on September 15 and 16, 2017 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Augsburg University’s campus, and honored and advanced the important accomplishments of the 2015 laureate, the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet, recognized  “for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011.”  The 2017 Forum focused on dialogue and strengthening democracy in divided societies.


Each year the Nobel Peace Prize Forum — Minneapolis brings together Nobel laureates, world leaders, and accomplished peacemakers with students and community members to work on building a world in which people can live full, rich, meaningful lives.  Originally formed as a consortium of the five Norwegian Lutheran colleges in the upper midwest (Augsburg University, Augustana University, Concordia College, Luther College, and St. Olaf College), the Forum operates under the auspices of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, and is the only such program or academic affiliation outside of Norway. Today the Forum is permanently hosted and presented by Augsburg University  in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information on the history of the Forum, please go to our history overview.


In additional to the founding schools, academic partners now include the University of Minnesota, University of Denver, California State University-Sacramento, Pacific Lutheran University, Juniata College, University of St. Thomas, and the University of Hawaii, Manoa, among others.  Community partners include Global Minnesota, youthrive, the Norway House, and the American Swedish Institute. Thank you to these academic partners and all the sponsors of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, you support helps to advance peace around the world.

University of Minnesota, Greater MSP, Pacific Lutheran University, Sanford Health, 3M, American Institute of Architects, Augustana University, Concordia College, EGG Music, El Hibri Foundation Sacramento State, Juanita College, Luther College, McGough, Minnesota Peace Institute, More Believe, Norway House, Norwegian Embassy, Seward Co Op, The Thor Hyerdal Institute, Minnesota Transportation Museum, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, University of Denver, Winds of Peace Foundation, YouThrive, Changemaker, MPR News, University of St. Thomas
Thanks to all of our sponsors: University of Minnesota, Greater MSP, Pacific Lutheran University, Sanford Health, 3M, American Institute of Architects, Augustana University, Concordia College, EGG Music, El Hibri Foundation Sacramento State, Juanita College, Luther College, McGough, Minnesota Peace Institute, More Believe, Norway House, Norwegian Embassy, Seward Co Op, The Thor Hyerdal Institute, Minnesota Transportation Museum, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, University of Denver, Winds of Peace Foundation, YouThrive, Changemaker, MPR News, University of St. Thomas