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Rural Namibia Homestay

Kayla is an Augsburg student currently abroad in Namibia with CGEE spring 2016. This is an excerpt from Kayla’s blog post, “Rural Northern Namibia”. Her blog is a great resource for anyone considering study abroad in Southern Africa, and prominently features her breathtaking photography, poetry, and other projects! Thanks to Kayla for sharing!


“While we were prepped not to expect electricity or running water, we quickly discovered that rural Namibia is just as diverse in its amenities as homes anywhere else might be; in my home the television is a staple piece of entertainment and electricity is plentiful, while running water existed only at a tap from the ground a few meters from the living quarters. While electricity is plentiful at my homestead, the family still uses traditional practices of the open fire to cook meals– incredible meals, I must add!”

You can find more of Kayla’s stunning photography at her website.

Traditional cooking style in rural Namibia
Traditional cooking practice in rural Namibia (photo from Kayla’s blog post)