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Youth Marginalization in Southern Africa

This is an event for all Augsburg University faculty, staff, and students, with CGEE’s Global Faculty member from Namibia, Pinias Kashedi.

The Augsburg community is invited to join CGEE in welcoming Pinias Kashedi, Global Faculty from Namibia, on campus! He will be hosting a talk about the marginalization of youth in Southern Africa, titled, “Education Capture and Youth Marginalization in Namibia.” A brief description is below: Continue reading “Youth Marginalization in Southern Africa”

Student in Namibia Starts Reusable Diaper Drive for Local Mothers & Families

During the spring 2023 semester, Ella Fontaine (Clark University, ‘25) was placed in an internship with HISA – Hope Initiative of Southern Africa- through her study abroad program in Namibia. HISA’s mission is “the empowerment of children and communities through the use of education, food and nourishment, and capacity building. HISA aims to break the cycle of poverty and build resilience.” In Windhoek, they have a preschool for children, skills classes for adults, and many more programs to support the local community.  Continue reading “Student in Namibia Starts Reusable Diaper Drive for Local Mothers & Families”

Student Reflection on Dr. Jill Biden’s Visit to Namibia

Last week the First Lady of the United States of America visited Namibia. Two students, Taylor Gwynne from Oberlin College, and Ella Fontaine from Clark University, had the honor to personally meet Dr Jill Biden, while studying abroad on the Augsburg CGEE Program: Decolonizing the Mind: Racial and Environmental Justice.

Dr Jill Biden and the United States Embassy in Namibia hosted a life changing event on Youth Empowerment and Democracy in Namibia. Such powerful women including Namibia’s own First Lady, honorable Monica Geingos. The event was hosted by our students’ internship organization, Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and Dr Biden paid a visit to one of our students internship organization, Hope Initiatives of Southern Africa (HISA).

Ella Fontaine has graciously agreed to share her reflections after the visit and listening to Dr. Biden’s speech. Thank you, Ella, for your thoughtful reflections and words! Read below for more (photos courtesy of our Resident Assistant in Namibia, Wilikka Absalom): Continue reading “Student Reflection on Dr. Jill Biden’s Visit to Namibia”

A Snapshot of Life in the City of Windhoek

The following are excerpts and photos from the student blog “Living in Windhoek Through the Lens of History, Politics, International Development, and Religion By: Jack DeFraites, Tulane University ’24”. Jack studied abroad with us on the program, “Decolonizing the Mind: Racial and Environmental Justice” in fall of 2022. Shared with permission from Jack. Continue reading “A Snapshot of Life in the City of Windhoek”

Student Ambassador: Vera in Southern Africa!

This is a guest post by CGEE Social Media Ambassador, Vera Grace. Vera is studying abroad in South Africa and Namibia on our program, “Decolonizing the Mind: Racial and Environmental Justice” during the fall 2022 semester. 

Since departing from our two-week seminar in South Africa in late August, I have officially been in Namibia for a month and 15 days now and have truly come to understand and appreciate the culture here! After adjusting to my initial culture shock, I have learned how to face challenges that have taught me about not only Namibian society, but about myself and my own values. 

Continue reading “Student Ambassador: Vera in Southern Africa!”

New Program Brings Together CGEE Southern Africa & the Pan-Afrikan Center

The Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) is excited to introduce a brand-new two-week summer program for Augsburg students, created in collaboration with Augsburg’s Pan-Afrikan Center. The pilot program, Anti-Apartheid and Black Lives Matter: Global Movements for Racial Justice, will run May 17 – 28, 2021.

Global Movements for Racial Justice was created in response to the racially motivated murder of George Floyd in our home city of Minneapolis. With much of CGEE’s work typically focusing on global settings, it became clear in the summer of 2020 that we should use our pedagogy and unique programming style to shed light on the inequities and injustices within our own backyard and in communities across the United States. Continue reading “New Program Brings Together CGEE Southern Africa & the Pan-Afrikan Center”

Memories of Namibia and South Africa

This reflection was sent to us by Maria Marzullo, a student from Valparaiso University that went on CGEE’s spring 2020 semester program to Namibia and South Africa. Thank you, Maria, for the wonderful reflection and photos you have shared with us!

Memories with CGEE in Namibia & South Africa

I knew I wanted to study abroad since before I even applied to college. I knew I wanted to travel to a place most of my peers would not. I wanted to be challenged and pushed out of my comfort zone. While in Namibia and South Africa, I met some of the greatest people and had experiences I will never forget.  Continue reading “Memories of Namibia and South Africa”

Student Experience in Southern Africa

This reflection was sent to us by Eliza Martin-Rosenthal, a student from Clark University that went on CGEE’s spring 2020 semester program to Namibia and South Africa. Thank you, Eliza, for the wonderful reflection and photos you have shared with us!

My Experience with CGEE in Southern Africa

My study abroad experience with CGEE was more intense, educational, emotional, and enjoyable than I could have ever prepared for. Arriving in South Africa in January, I was skeptical of the small size of our group (eight students), the hot climate, and the unfamiliar social norms. I was tired from the long flight and full of nervous energy, but as soon as I was greeted by CGEE staff and my fellow classmates, my nerves melted away. Continue reading “Student Experience in Southern Africa”