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New Program Brings Together CGEE Southern Africa & the Pan-Afrikan Center

The Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) is excited to introduce a brand-new two-week summer program for Augsburg students, created in collaboration with Augsburg’s Pan-Afrikan Center. The pilot program, Anti-Apartheid and Black Lives Matter: Global Movements for Racial Justice, will run May 17 – 28, 2021.

Global Movements for Racial Justice was created in response to the racially motivated murder of George Floyd in our home city of Minneapolis. With much of CGEE’s work typically focusing on global settings, it became clear in the summer of 2020 that we should use our pedagogy and unique programming style to shed light on the inequities and injustices within our own backyard and in communities across the United States.

The coming together of CGEE Southern Africa with Augsburg’s Pan-Afrikan Center, will educate students to compare and contrast the U.S. civil rights movement with the South Africans’ struggle to overturn apartheid.  Students will then take this historical context and apply it, with a critical lens, to contemporary movements for racial justice.  Minneapolis, in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, will be the focal point of their examination. 

This program would not have been possible without the tremendous effort and work put into it by the instructors, Azania Tripp, Director of Pan-Afrikan Student Services and Albertina Shifotoka, Director of CGEE Southern Africa, in addition to Peggy Johnson, Director of Customized Education Abroad & Study Away Programs. We thank them all for their dedication to rising to the moment to create bold programming for Augsburg’s next generation of leaders.

Interested students should apply by March 25. A brief program description is included below, see the website for more details on application, cost, and itinerary.  

Program participants will critically analyze the global racial unrest movements of the Southern Africa Anti-Apartheid system, and the racially motivated murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. This 2-week program experience will introduce students to the understanding of how these movements became historical events and impacted policy and the visibilities on racial inequities that impact the Pan-Afrikan diaspora and all BIPOC communities.