Bing tracking


Dr. Sarah Degner Riveros, Spanish Faculty at Augsburg University, has shared with CGEE a poem about her visit to Cuernavaca. Please see below in Spanish and English.

Hospedajea woman sits in a kitchen

Martha y Thelma,
en la cocina de los girasoles,
comen pastel de chocolate
que sobró de la fiesta de anoche.
Sirven sandía con una cereza encima,
postre sano, elegante y sencillo.
Se sientan a comer, a platicar,
a compartir historias sobre sus nietos
y los estudiantes que hospedan.
A los jóvenes los quieren como familia,
sea donde sea su lugar de origen.
Aquí está su hogar.



In the sunflower kitchen,
Martha and Thelma
eat leftover chocolate cake
from the party last night.
They serve watermelon with a cherry on top,
healthy, simple, elegant dessert.
They sit down to chit-chat,
sharing stories of their grandchildren
and of the students they host.
They love the guests like family,
wherever they may be from.
This is their home.