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Mission-Oriented Study Abroad Presentation

We are so proud of our CGEE staff & alumni presenting at upcoming “NAFSA” Regional Conferences! NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world’s largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange. We believe that sharing our unique mission and pedagogy can help create the change we wish to see in the field of international education.

Joseph Connelly, Institutional Relations And Central American Program Manager, and CGEE Central America Alumni, will be co-presenting at NAFSA Region X on “Mission-Oriented Study Abroad: A Practical Approach.” His co-presenter is Matthew Schiesel, Associate Director of Study Abroad And International Fellowships at Siena College in New York.

Joseph Connelly photo
Joseph Connelly, Institutional Relations And Central American Program Manager

From the NAFSA Region X conference website, “This interactive session will focus on the impact of creating and mobilizing mission-oriented study abroad programs and office processes. Using Siena College and Augsburg University’s Center for Global Education and Experience as backdrops, this session will introduce participants to mission design and delivery from a provider, institutional and office perspective with a focus on program creation, program reviews, student advising, marketing, and curricular integration.”

Learning Objectives:

  • Clarify the importance of “mission” as it relates to study abroad, and strategically identify ways this mission can be represented in program offerings and student engagement
  • Define for college leadership how study abroad fits into and fulfills the institution’s mission and goals
  • Conduct a review of study abroad programs with a focus on mission and goals, and identify new program opportunities that align with this mindset
  • Reflect on key student advising and engagement practices to support one’s mission

Congratulations to Joe on presenting to NAFSA Region X!