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Admission Process


The Application for our 2024 cohort is now open.

Master of Music Therapy

Priority Deadline: February 15th

Final Deadline: July 15

Coursework for the Master of Music Therapy (MMT) begins in September. The MMT is the master’s only track for applicants who are already board certified music therapists. 

Equivalency Plus MMT

Priority Deadline: February 15th

Final Deadline: April 1 – Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be reviewed if space is available.

Coursework for the Equivalency Plus MMT track begins in May. The Equivalency Plus track is for applicants who are not board certified music therapists.

*Equivalency Plus Master in Music Therapy students begin in May. Board certified music therapists enter directly into the MMT and begin in the Fall term.

admission requirements

You may apply for admission to the Augsburg University MMT if you have received or are planning to receive a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university prior to enrolling in the program. Candidates applying for the MMT program also need to show proof of their Board Certification as a Music Therapist.  Candidates wishing to be considered for the Equivalency + and Equivalency ++ tracks do not need to be certified to gain admittance.

MMT Plan of Study Tracks

There are three tracks in the Master of Music Therapy program. The first is for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree in music therapy and hold board certification as a music therapist (MT-BC). They follow the master of music therapy track (MMT). The second track is for individuals that hold a bachelor’s degree in music. They follow the Equivalency Plus Master of Music Therapy track (E+MMT). The third is for individuals that hold a bachelor’s degree that is not in music but have a strong music background. They follow the Equivalency Plus+ Master of Music Therapy track (E++MMT).

Application Requirements

  • Online Application
  • Official transcripts from bachelor degree granting institution as well as any institutions where prerequisite or equivalency courses have been taken. Transcripts must also be submitted for any credits earned after earning your bachelor’s degree. Military veterans must submit official transcripts from each school previously attended in order to utilize military benefits.
  • 2 letters of recommendation
  • Proof of Board Certification (if applicable)
  • Resume – Submit a resume that outlines your experience as a music therapist (if applicable), and/or your other professional, volunteer, and musical (ensembles, solos, lessons, etc.) experience. Please be sure to list achievements, workshops attended, and honors received.
  • Personal Statement – Respond to each of the following prompts. Your response to each prompt should be 1 page or less, for a total of 2-4 pages.
    1. Describe your goals as a board certified music therapist and how you feel a master’s degree in music therapy will help you to achieve these goals?
    2. Describe a moment or experience you had that fostered your interest and encouraged you to focus your career in music therapy.
    3. Music therapy is a profession that focuses on helping people from diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds, what qualities and qualifications do you possess that will allow you to be an asset to others.
    4. What skills or areas of need do you feel require further development for you to be successful as a board certified music therapist?
  • Showcase – 10-15 minutes displaying your level of ability on your primary instrument(s)

Submitting your official transcripts

Official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions for undergraduate and graduate level coursework must be submitted directly to the Graduate Admissions Office by electronic transfer or by mail.

By electronic transfer: (if prompted by your institution for an email address)

By mail:
Graduate Admissions Office, CB 65
Augsburg University
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN  55454


The MMT program is both AMTA and NASM approved as of February 2014.

For more information, please call 612-330-1101 or email  You may also schedule a one on one meeting with a member of our admissions team, either virtually or in-person!