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Pulling Teeth: Craig Barnes on Preaching Stewardship

By Justin Lind-Ayres, Associate College Pastor

What sights or sounds do you find cringe worthy? For instance, some people cringe when they see a hair clog pulled out of a drain. Others cringe when they hear fingernails put to a chalkboard. And you? Is there anything that curdles your blood or sends shivers down your back?

Loose, wiggly teeth: they set me off. Why? I’m not sure. All I know is that when one wiggles, I wig out! Luckily my adult teeth are fairly secure in my mouth so my cringing has been under control for a few decades or so. My oldest child, on the other hand, has been beckoning the Tooth Fairy to visit with her now gapped grin. As I watch three sets of teeth scurry around my house, I am keenly aware that my days of cringing have only begun.

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Day of Discernment: A Message from Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres

cross-white-tree2On Monday, October 19, Lonna Field with the Christensen Center for Vocation and I will be taking a group of Auggies to Seminary & Divinity School Day at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. Close to 20 seminary and divinity school representatives will be present to converse with regarding the many various graduate school programs in theology, biblical studies, youth and family ministry, and professional ministry tracks.

It is a wonderful time to meet with other students from other schools and enter into conversations of vocational discernment. Are you unsure about your future? Or, feel sure yet maybe God is nudging you to consider other things? Do you want to learn about options for public Christian leadership? Whatever the case, you are welcome to join us!    Continue reading “Day of Discernment: A Message from Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres”

Meet the Campus Ministry Deacons – A message from Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres

We are blessed this 2015-2016 Academic Year to have five very talented student-leaders shepherding the Campus Ministry Student Organization! But, what, pray tell, is a deacon? A fine question! In the New Testament, deacons were set apart by the church for word and service in God’s world (see Acts 6:1-7). The title has been used throughout the church to describe servants who minister to the community in teaching, works of love, dedication to justice, worship-leadership, and an enduring commitment to the gospel of Christ Jesus. The Campus Ministry Office has chosen to use “deacon” as the title for those students called to this work on the Augsburg campus in partnership with the Campus Ministry staff.

The deacons will work together to plan and execute events and activities that create opportunities for social connectedness, spiritual growth, and loving service. In addition, they empower and equip other student-leaders in the shared work of radical hospitality, creating space for the sacred, and shaping the community in positives ways with other student groups and leaders on campus.  Continue reading “Meet the Campus Ministry Deacons – A message from Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres”