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Spiritual Expression

wooden cross filled with sand and burning candles

No matter what your religious background, you are invited to explore your faith and beliefs at Augsburg, where spiritual inquiry is very much a part of everyday life.

As a university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Augsburg is shaped by Christian values. Augsburg is a Lutheran university with students who come from many different faith traditions. An attitude of openness and acceptance is promoted throughout the university.

The student-led Campus Ministry Leadership Team sponsors retreats, community projects, outreach to youth groups, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and a congregational youth basketball tournament.

The optional 20-minute daily chapel service is a time for ecumenical reflection and exchange of ideas for all in the Augsburg community. An informal communion service is held each Wednesday evening.

And there’s always someone to turn to for spiritual guidance during tough times. Augsburg’s skilled pastoral ministry staff are available to Augsburg’s students.