Looking for a place of worship?
- Bethany Lutheran Church
- Redeemer Lutheran Church
- ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) Church Finder
- Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Finder
- Hillel at the University of Minnesota
- Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches
- Outfront Minnesota’s list of GLBTQ friendly congregations
- ReconcilingWorks: Reconciled in Christ Congregation Finder
- Trinity Lutheran Congregation on Riverside
- Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque
For Parents & Families of Incoming Students
Interfaith Resources
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Hoversten Chapel

Hoversten Chapel, located in Foss Hall, is the primary worship space at Augsburg. Morning Chapel is offered daily during the school year. MWF: 10:40-11:00 am and TTh: 11:30-11:50 am. The Prayer and Meditation space behind the Hoversten Chapel is open daily for prayer and is used on Fridays for Muslim Students to hold Friday prayer.
Harbo Meditation and Prayer Area
Harbo Meditation and Prayer Area is an interfaith worship space located on the first floor of the Christensen Center. Students can find prayer rugs, the Bible, the Quran and other religious literature. This space was designed by Augsburg students as part of the Interfaith Scholars Program.
Gundale Chapel
Gundale Chapel is located on the third floor of the new Hagfors Center. It is a space that is used for worship, Bible studies and other scheduled events and is open to students for prayer and meditation when not in use.
Muslim Student Association Prayer Space (Masjid)
The Muslim Student Association masjid is located on the lower level of the Science Building in room 19. It is open from 5:00 am to 11 p.m. daily for prayer and gathering.