Morning Chapel Schedule
Monday through Friday, while classes are in session, Campus Ministry offers Sabbath rest through morning chapel in Hoversten Chapel, virtual worship and podcasts. On Monday, we will hold space in the chapel at 10:40 – 11:00 am for Centering Prayer: Healing, Justice and Hope, and we have live chapel in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center on Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30 – 11:50 am, and on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:40 – 11:00 am. Chapel services are recorded and are available on the Campus Ministry YouTube Channel.
- Augsburg University is truly unique in being one of the few liberal arts schools in America that offers chapel every weekday, although in a modified format during the Covid-19 pandemic. Chapel format may change throughout the year due to additional Covid restrictions. During these 20 minutes you will find a great variety of speakers and music. We encourage you to honor the moments carved out for you in the schedule that you might experience spiritual growth. All are welcome! The Morning Chapel schedule is available on the Campus Ministry Google calendar.
Augsburg Chapel is…
- A worship time where we focus on the Triune God – Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer
- A time for daily sabbath renewal…
- To rejoice in song
- To share in the communal pilgrimage of faith
- To be empowered in our call to be the neighbor, serving in love
- To pause for the day; to breath anew
- To practice radical hospitality
- To be challenged in our faith and values, to ask questions
- To contemplate the Word of God
- To pray corporately for our community & for individuals
- To be inspired by the testimony of others
Wednesday Night Communion Schedule
Join us on Wednesday evenings, while classes are in session, for worship with the Campus Ministry student leaders at 8:00pm. For more information, visit the Augsburg University Student Ministries Facebook page.
Sunday Morning:
Trinity Lutheran Church worships in our chapel on Sundays at 11 a.m. and there are also many different churches in our neighborhood in which students are encouraged to explore and attend.