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Pastor John Rohde Schwehn

John Rohde SchwehnUniversity pastor

Foss 107


John Rohde Schwehn (he/him) comes to Augsburg after five years of parish ministry with Christ the King Lutheran Church in New Brighton, MN. A graduate of St. Olaf College and Yale Divinity School, he has also served congregations in St. Louis Park and Northfield, MN. He is passionate about forming community through practices of hospitality, worship, and justice. In addition to pastoral ministry, he has also been a contributing author to Augsburg Fortress’s suite of resources on scripture, theology, and Lutheran identity based on the works of Pr. Dan Erlander (Manna and Mercy; Baptized, We Live; A Place for You; Water Washed, Spirit Born). John is incredibly excited to work alongside (and learn from) the Augsburg community, especially its dynamic, curious students. He lives in north Minneapolis with his wife, Anna, and their two daughters, Lydia (5) and Mira (2).