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Seminary and Divinity School Day

NOVEMBER 7, 2019



A day to connect, reflect, and explore theological graduate study options. This year’s theme is “Vocation at the Thresholds”.


Students of all denominations welcome! We hope to have 12-15 divinity schools and seminaries represented.

Sign up for Seminary/Divinity School Day by October 30

Schedule for Thursday, November 7th is:


9:30 am         Check-in/ Registration

10:00 am        Welcome, Introductions & Opening Devotion

10:45 am        Table Time for Seminary Representatives & Students

11:30 am        Chapel Worship

12:00 pm        Lunch with Keynote Speaker Melissa Pohlman ’00,

Pastor for Community Ministry, Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis

1:15 pm          More Table Time

2:15 pm          Departure


Seminary and Divinity Day is a collaboration between Campus Ministry at Augsburg University and Gustavus Adolphus College.

If you have questions, contact Janice Dames at or 612-330-1732.

Students who would like to attend the day should register by October 31.


We hope you will join us.

Day of Discernment: A Message from Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres

cross-white-tree2On Monday, October 19, Lonna Field with the Christensen Center for Vocation and I will be taking a group of Auggies to Seminary & Divinity School Day at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. Close to 20 seminary and divinity school representatives will be present to converse with regarding the many various graduate school programs in theology, biblical studies, youth and family ministry, and professional ministry tracks.

It is a wonderful time to meet with other students from other schools and enter into conversations of vocational discernment. Are you unsure about your future? Or, feel sure yet maybe God is nudging you to consider other things? Do you want to learn about options for public Christian leadership? Whatever the case, you are welcome to join us!    Continue reading “Day of Discernment: A Message from Pastor Justin Lind-Ayres”