NOVEMBER 7, 2019
A day to connect, reflect, and explore theological graduate study options. This year’s theme is “Vocation at the Thresholds”.
Students of all denominations welcome! We hope to have 12-15 divinity schools and seminaries represented.
Sign up for Seminary/Divinity School Day by October 30Schedule for Thursday, November 7th is:
9:30 am Check-in/ Registration
10:00 am Welcome, Introductions & Opening Devotion
10:45 am Table Time for Seminary Representatives & Students
11:30 am Chapel Worship
12:00 pm Lunch with Keynote Speaker Melissa Pohlman ’00,
Pastor for Community Ministry, Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
1:15 pm More Table Time
2:15 pm Departure
Seminary and Divinity Day is a collaboration between Campus Ministry at Augsburg University and Gustavus Adolphus College.
If you have questions, contact Janice Dames at or 612-330-1732.
Students who would like to attend the day should register by October 31.
We hope you will join us.