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Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum ArchThe blueprint for an Augsburg education is the Augsburg Core Curriculum, designed to prepare students to be effective, informed, and ethical citizens in the 21st century.

Grounded in a strong liberal arts foundation, our curriculum promotes the development of intellectual and professional skills. But it goes deeper, engaging students in an inquiry about faith and calling in life, and supporting them in meaningful experiences outside of the classroom.

The Augsburg Core Curriculum includes the following components:

Signature Curriculum

The Signature Curriculum offers opportunities for students to engage in learning, dialogue and reflection across the liberal arts and professional studies.

The Augsburg First-Year Program

These courses help undergraduate day students make the transition to college and their new community.

  • Augsburg Seminar—an introduction to the University and its resources, usually linked to an academic course
  • Engaging Minneapolis—course-embedded experiences that introduce you to our diverse urban community

The Search for Meaning

These courses invite students to explore the University’s Lutheran heritage, gain literacy in religious traditions, and reflect on their own beliefs and values.

Senior Keystone

The Senior Keystone helps students to begin the transition to life and work after graduation.

Liberal Arts Foundation Courses

The Liberal Arts Foundation Courses engage students in the discovery of various disciplines—Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities, and Fine Arts—that are essential for creative and informed lives in today’s world.

Skills for Career and Life

The Augsburg Curriculum is designed to help students develop the skills necessary for successful careers and fulfilling lives.

At Augsburg we take an individualized approach to skill developmental: early in their college career, each student is evaluated in the areas of mathematics, modern languages, and writing; students are then placed in the appropriate courses for their skill level.  The development of skills is extended across the core curriculum and major coursework.  For example, writing skills are developed through Writing Across the Curriculum.

More about Developing Skills for Career and Life >

The Augsburg Experience

Students gain off-campus, real-world experience through the Augsburg Experience, which helps students to apply their academic study in the broader community. Students can fulfill this requirement through “study away,” an internship, research with a professor, community service learning, or an off-campus immersion project. Many students find this part of the curriculum so beneficial, they opt to do more than one.