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Degree Requirements 2024-2025

Seven 4-semester credit hour courses, including:

  • NUR 300 – Expanding Nurse Agency in a Complex World
  • NUR 305 – Exploring Communication, Informatics and Racism: Challenges and Solutions
  • NUR 306 – Nursing Paradigms: Evidence-based Practice and Theory
  • NUR 403 – Culture, Context, and Family Centered Care
  • NUR 410 – Community Health Nursing I
  • NUR 411 – Practicum: Community Health Nursing II
  • NUR 490 – Leadership and Moral Courage in Transforming Health Care

A minimum grade of C in each nursing course and a cumulative major GPA of 2.5 are required. Students also must complete Augsburg’s residence and general education requirements.

Graduation Skills

The Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the required courses in the Nursing major and are met by completing the major.

Students petitioning to transfer in upper division nursing courses from another institution to meet requirements in the nursing major at Augsburg must consult a nursing advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of these graduation skills.

Other Information

The BSN program has been planned so that courses in the nursing major can be completed over 12 months of full-time study taking three courses per semester or 24 months on a part-time basis, based on personal choice.

More time may be required to complete the total course of study depending on the number of liberal arts (general education) courses individual students need to complete the BSN degree and the number of credits each student transfers to Augsburg University from other colleges or universities. Students need 36 upper division courses to graduate. Students in Nursing may take non-nursing courses in both the Day and Adult Undergraduate programs. Students will meet with the program coordinator to develop a plan of study and be assigned to a nursing faculty adviser to assist with academic advising. 

Admission to the Nursing Major

In addition to meeting admission requirements for Augsburg, admission to the Nursing major requires the following:

  • An earned associate of science degree in nursing
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in one’s basic nursing program
  • Unencumbered RN license–applicant must be a registered nurse who is licensed and currently registered to practice in Minnesota prior to beginning the Nursing major
  • Special conditions:
    • Students may be provisionally admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Augsburg with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.5 in their basic nursing program. Full admission to the program requires students to achieve a GPA of 3.00 or better in two liberal arts courses at Augsburg before being fully admitted to the BSN program.
    • Students may apply to Augsburg prior to completion of their associate nursing degree program. However, all BSN program admission requirements must be met prior to matriculating into the BSN program at Augsburg.

Admissions are handled throughout the year. Students are admitted for fall, spring, or summer semesters.

Credit for Previous Nursing Courses

Augsburg University will grant 12 upper division credits for successfully passing the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses) exam. For Augsburg University to award these credits, an official score report from the testing center or an unrestricted RN license must be submitted to the Department of Nursing. These are upper division elective credits and applied toward graduation requirements. They do not replace any specifically required courses or satisfy general education requirements beyond the upper division credit requirement.

Registered nurses transferring into Augsburg’s BSN completion program will also be awarded up to 34 semester credits in recognition of their previous lower division nursing coursework if the following standards are met:

  • Prior nursing education in the United States is taken in an associate degree in nursing (ADN) program or a diploma in nursing program. Both must be state board-approved programs.
  • Nursing coursework taken outside of the United States requires a professional credit evaluation. See the International Students section of this catalog for details about how to submit this evaluation. In addition, nursing coursework must be verified for authenticity by the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS). Applicants must request CGFNS ( to forward the educational credentials report to the Minnesota State Board of Nursing. Once their credentials are verified, applicants must apply for licensure and demonstrate successful passing of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Nurses who have previously submitted CGFNS credential verification in a state other than Minnesota, and who have passed the NCLEX, will be considered for admission and must meet the same residency requirements expected of all students.

Class Schedules

Augsburg recognizes that nurses have a variety of time schedules, personal responsibilities, and work demands that must be taken into account in any decision to work toward a degree. For this reason, Augsburg offers full- and part-time sequential alternatives for pursuing a Nursing degree.

Courses in the Nursing major are offered online in an asynchronous format.  Optional immersion practica at home and abroad are scheduled throughout the year. Students complete their community health practicum locally or have the opportunity to go to Pine Ridge, SD or abroad. Check with the Department of Nursing for details.

It is recommended to work with the program coordinator for advice on liberal arts courses.

Transfer of Upper Division Nursing Courses

BSN students who are provisionally accepted into the Master of Arts in Nursing program at Augsburg may enroll in up to three designated MAN courses, which can be used to fulfill elective credits in the BSN program as well as fulfill credits in the MAN program. Note that these graduate courses may not transfer into another college or university as graduate courses if they have been used to complete the BSN; Augsburg University, however, accepts the courses as also fulfilling requirements in the MAN. The graduate Nursing courses plus the practica include the following:

NUR 500 – Transcultural Health Care (3 semester credits)

NUR 500P – Practicum: Transcultural Health Care (1 semester credit)

NUR 541 – The Politics of Health Care (3 semester credits)

NUR 541P – Practicum: Politics of Health Care (1 semester credit)

An additional third course and practicum is currently being identified by the Nursing program.

Note: Students who decelerate for more than five years may be asked to audit courses already taken. There is a fee to audit courses.

Departmental Honors

Admission to the honors major requires a GPA of at least 3.60 in the major and 3.30 overall, application to the department chair by November 1 of the senior year, recommendation by nursing faculty, and an honors thesis to be presented before a faculty committee by April 15. Candidates register for NUR 499 to complete the honors requirement.

Latin Honors

To be eligible for Latin honors, a student must meet minimum GPA standards as well as complete a minimum of 56 traditionally-graded credits at Augsburg. For further information, see the Latin Honors section in Academic Information.


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing/master’s degree program in nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice program at Augsburg University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 887-6791.

For a complete list of Augsburg’s accreditations, approvals, and memberships, see the listing in the Accreditation, Approvals, and Memberships section.

For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.