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Beyond Privilege: Engaging Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

JULY 15-17, 2019
Augsburg University, Minneapolis, MN

Each year, members of Lutheran colleges gather to explore the distinctive roles we play in higher education.

The theme this year is Beyond Privilege: Engaging Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. This year we will examine the intersection between privilege, inclusivity, and vocation.

View the 2019 Conference Agenda Draft

The conference is open to everyone from ELCA colleges or universities, but institutions are encouraged to register participants who have a particular interest in or campus responsibility for advancing their institution’s vocation to engage and expand campus diversity and to further equity and inclusion for all. Each college or university is also urged to send a campus delegation, composed of a mix of administrators and faculty. The make-up of delegations, however, is the decision of each college or university. Students are welcomed—if appropriate—as members of a campus delegation, but each college/university will be responsible for the supervision of student participants.


ELCA colleges and universities are invited to send delegations of up to five persons at a subsidized rate of $150 per person. More information about registration was sent to school representatives through the ELCA. Contact Melinda Valverde at for more information or if your college or university has questions.

Registration is closed.

Registration questions may be also be directed to 612-330-1403 or

The Vocation of a Lutheran College conference is supported by the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities.

2015 Vocation of a Lutheran College Pre-Conference

Women’s Way of Leading: Exploring the Call to Lead

Monday, July 20, 12pm – 5pm at Augsburg College

Led by Kathi Tunheim (Gustavus Adolphus College) and Susan Hasseler (Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD)

As we look forward to significant turnover in executive leadership in higher education in the next few years, we have a unique opportunity to strengthen gender diversity in leadership in Lutheran colleges and universities. Considering the ways in which we can support women’s success in higher education leadership at all levels, from department and division heads to the presidency, is one of our essential tasks as we explore the vocation of a Lutheran college.

The objective of this VOALC 2015 pre-conference session is to promote women’s leadership development at ELCA colleges and universities.  In this session the participants will:

  •     Explore state-of-the-art leadership development strategies for women in higher education.
  •     Engage with current ELCA women in leadership, including a president, vice-president, and a division leader, in an interactive panel discussion.
  •     Create an individual development plan for your own career.

12:00-1:30pm  Lunch Introductions.  (Table Conversations)
1:30-2:15 pm   Recent Research on Women in Leadership in higher education (Short presentation)
2:15-2:30 p.m.  Break
2:30-3:30 p.m.  ELCA Women Leader Panel including question and answer session
3:30-4:15 p.m.   Professional Development plan writing time for the participants; discuss in small groups
4:30 p.m.          Closing and adjourn
4:30-5:00pm      Break

Pre-conference registration

Registration for ELCA faculty and staff for the VOALC Pre-Conference is handled by the ELCA Churchwide Office. Questions about registration may be directed to Vivian Chen, 612-330-1334 or
Vocation of a Lutheran College Conference information