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Parent Review of CGEE

Parent Review: Study Abroad to Cuba, with West Chester University & Augsburg CGEE

The following was submitted by parents of a student participant who went on a custom faculty-led program to Cuba in March 2024. 

What an amazing, life changing experience it was for our daughter who participated in CGEE’s 10 day Study Abroad trip to Cuba (March, 2024). Continue reading “Parent Review of CGEE”

“Inside Biden’s Cuba Policy” Film Screening & Discussion with Cuban Journalist

Augsburg CGEE invites everyone to join award-winning Cuban journalist and filmmaker, Liz Oliva Fernández, for a screening and Q&A of two new Belly of the Beast documentaries on Thursday, November 2nd from 2 – 4:00 p.m. in Kennedy Center Room 303A. Continue reading ““Inside Biden’s Cuba Policy” Film Screening & Discussion with Cuban Journalist”

Human, A Student Poem

This is a guest post by Rachael Manser, student at Gustavus Adolphus College, who went abroad on a Custom Short Term Program to Cuba with Augsburg CGEE January 2016. 


Rachel M Cuba 4
Here’s my Pedagogy of the Oppressed poem that I titled “Human”:

Continue reading “Human, A Student Poem”

Summer in Cuba: Photo Edition!

Photos from a customized program in Cuba with California Lutheran University (@CLUstudyabroad) & CGEE. Photo credit staff member Susan Peacock. 

Cooking Cuban Food in Ohio!

A quick but tasty post from Julian Cranberg, who traveled with CGE to Cuba in January, where he was impressed with all the services (but especially the cooking) at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center in Havana.

I was in Cuba with a group of Oberlin College students in January. After we returned home, we had a special Cuban dinner that I cooked using the recipes from the fabulous cooks from the MLK center.

I had to drive for an hour to buy yuca, malanga and plantain because these things can be difficult to find in the United States.

Thanks to everyone at the MLK Jr. Center for all that you did during our trip.



Ten Tips for Traveling Vegans

This is a guest post from Oberlin student Evelyn Wagaman, who traveled to Cuba with CGEE as part of an Oberlin College class. She writes about being a vegan traveling to Cuba, but many of these tips can be helpful for vegans traveling anywhere!

Are you a devoted vegan thinking of traveling to Cuba on a trip with the Center for Global Education at Augsburg College? Never fear! I was in your shoes once, and I’m here to give you ten tips on how it can be done.

  1. Stock up on vegan encouragement before you leave. Talk with supportive friends and family while you’re still on U.S. soil, because once you’re in Cuba, there will be no calling or emailing them. I was the only vegan on my trip, so it helped to know that I had supporters back in the States to whom I could triumphantly declare upon my return, “I did it! I was a vegan in Cuba for two weeks!”

Continue reading “Ten Tips for Traveling Vegans”