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Augsburg University values the diversity of persons, perspectives, and convictions. Critical thinking, rigorous analysis, and open discussion across a full range of ideas lie at the heart of the University’s mission as an institution of higher learning. Essential to Augsburg's mission to educate students to be “informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders” is that we act on a foundation of diversity, inclusion, equity, and intercultural competency.

Certificate Program

Diversity and Inclusion Certificate example

The Augsburg University Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program is designed to help faculty and staff grow in their intercultural competence through building awareness, knowledge, and skills necessary to create more inclusive campus spaces inside and outside the classroom.

Faculty and Staff Support

Equity and Inclusion Initiatives department website
Find helpful information for faculty and staff, including an events calendar and certificate program workshop registration links.

Equity and Inclusion Committee
The Equity and Inclusion Committee is a subcommittee of the University Council. The University Council was formed in 2016 after a multiyear exploration of shared governance practices at Augsburg and leads Augsburg’s internal deliberation of university-wide decisions, taking up—-as advisory to the president—-institutional considerations beyond the scope of faculty governance or any particular administrative unit.

Discrimination and Bias Reporting

Augsburg faculty, staff, students, and community members can use the Discrimination and Bias-Incident Online Reporting Form to report incidents of discrimination and/or bias.

Equity and Inclusion Initiatives Staff

Contact us at 612-330-1126 or

Joanne K. Reeck

Joanne K. Reeck, M.A.

Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
ADA/504 Compliance Officer

Person Not Pictured

Mollie Lohmann '23

Student Specialist

Equity and Inclusion Initiatives