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Military and Veterans Support

Augsburg University proudly supports military veterans and those who actively serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.  Our faculty and staff are committed to help you succeed in your academic and professional endeavors.

  • Knowledgeable Certifying Official in the Registrar’s Office
  • Student Veterans Representative,
  • Experienced Student Financial Services staff
  • Vet’s Lounge

Let us say “Thank You” for your service to our country with the Augsburg Military Tuition Grant.  Indicate your military affiliation on your Application for Admission to receive this grant.

Military Tuition Grant- Adult Undergraduate and Graduate Program

The grant amount for the Adult Undergraduate program is $50.00 off per credit. The grant amount for graduate programs is $80.00 off per credit, excluding the Physician Assistant and PsyD programs.

For other information, see Student Financial Services

Military Friendly 24-25 Award Gold status Military Advanced Education & Transition: Guide to Top Colleges and Universities 2016 Badge