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Military Transcripts

Military Transcripts

Students are welcome to submit their military transcripts to the Registrar’s Office for a transfer credit review. Follow the appropriate link for more information on how to request your transcript.

Joint Services Transcript for Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard

Community College of the Air Force

Assessment of Previous Learning

Credit By Exam is part of Augsburg’s Assessment of Previous Learning (APL) program. A maximum of 32 semester credits can be earned through any combination of APL activities – AP, IB, CLEP (more details below) , DSST, ACTFL, Portfolio Assessments, and Departmental Comprehensive Exams. Approved exams that have met the minimum score are recorded on the Augsburg transcript as “Credit by Exam” without grades or grade points. For more information about the approved exams, please see Credit by Exam on the Registrar’s webpage.

Veterans and current military bring valuable life skills, learning, and experience – some of which may be awarded credit by submitting a portfolio to be assessed. The first step for the portfolio assessment is to submit an Assessment of Prior Learning form.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Offered to all students at testing centers worldwide; please see Credit by Exam on the Registrar’s webpage.

CLEP Tests and Augsburg Equivalencies
Request Your CLEP Transcript
Locate A CLEP Testing Center


Minnesota State

The webpage for MnState (Minnesota State) has information, by each service branch, on how courses would transfer to Mnstate colleges and universities.