Ready to get started on the path to your master’s degree? Applications are reviewed on a “rolling” basis, with students admitted for fall, spring, and summer enrollment.
Learn more
- Inquire to learn more!
- Attend an upcoming information session, or schedule a one on one meeting to talk more about your professional and academic goals.
Application Deadline
Fall Term (Classic Classroom Face-to-Face Format)
- Priority Deadline is July 15
- Final Deadline August 15
Spring Term
- Priority Deadline is November 15
- Final Deadline is December 15
Summer Term
- Priority Deadline is March 15
- Final Deadline is May 1
Late Summer (Hybrid Format)
- Final Deadline July 1
Admission requirements
You may apply for admission to the Augsburg University MAL if you have received or are planning to receive a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university prior to enrolling.
Application Checklist
A complete application should include the following:
- Completed application form
- A 1-3 page statement relating the applicant’s career and life goals to leadership aspirations (Writing prompts are listed in the application).
- Two letters of recommendation preferred
- Applicants must submit an official transcript(s) from the institution granting the Bachelor’s degree and from the most recently attended institution, if not the same.
- Military veterans are required to submit all official transcripts from previously attended institutions to qualify for military benefits.
- In the case where prerequisite requirements exist or transfer credits or waivers are sought, official transcripts are required from institutions at which the prerequisites or equivalents were completed.
- The Program Director may ask for additional transcripts if determined to be necessary.
- Resume