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Undergraduate Leadership Studies Minor

The Leadership Studies Mission

The Leadership Studies program develops leaders for organizations, the community, and society. Organizations seek leaders who possess:

  • An ethically and morally responsible vision
  • An understanding of how change occurs and how it can be managed
  • A sensitivity to the complex problems of organizations and an ability to find solutions consistent with their mission
  • Cultural competence and sensitivity to the needs of a diverse population
  • The ability to inspire and motivate people to work toward a common goal

The Augsburg leadership development model provides a framework through which the program  recruits its students and develops their skills.

Leadership Development Model

We promote leadership as a process that:

  • Inspires cooperation among people who must compete for limited resources
  • Promotes productivity within and beyond the organization
  • Works toward progress for the individual and the organization

To accomplish this, individuals aspiring to positions of leadership must possess three key attributes: a  sense of vision, the ability to persuade, and the ability to direct action. Underlying these attributes  are abilities and awareness, outlined in the Leadership Development Model, which serve as specific  outcomes for our programs. Augsburg’s model of leadership development is designed to assess,  promote, enhance, and refine these capabilities within the individual.

Program Overview

The Leadership Studies minor is designed for students who are, and have been, engaged in leadership experiences and to tie their experiences with the academic study of leadership.

Successful completion of the undergraduate minor in leadership will allow the student advanced standing in the MA in Leadership program at Augsburg. They would not be required to take ML 505 Foundations and would only have to take 10 courses to complete the MA instead of 11. 

Five courses are required for the minor: LST 205, LST 485 and three electives as specified below. Note: some of these courses may have a prerequisite. 

LST 205 – Introduction to Leadership Studies 

LST 485 – Leadership Seminar: Integrating Leadership Theory and Practice 

At least three electives chosen from the two core areas of leadership focus – communication and cultural competence in organizations. At least one course from each area. Courses must be selected from at least two different departments. Students must have a C- grade or above in all of the courses in the minor to qualify for graduation with the minor. Note: some of these courses may have prerequisites. 


Leaders must have skills in the imparting or exchanging of information. Choose at least one of the courses below, or a director approved elective: 

  • COM 117- Business and Professional Speaking
  • COM 345 – Organizational Communication 
  • COM 355 – Small Group Communication 
  • COM 380- Strategic Communication Campaigns 
  • ENL 220 – Critical and Analytical Writing
  • Director approved elective

 Cultural Competence in Organizations 

All leadership takes place within the context of an organization. Leaders should be able to understand, appreciate, and interact with persons from cultures and/or belief systems other than their own within those organizations. Choose at least one of the courses below, or a director approved elective: 

  • COM 329 – Intercultural Communication 
  • INS 359 – Political Sociology of Building Power, Change, and Equity 
  • SOC 265 – Race, Class and Gender 
  • SWK 280 – Diversity and Inequality in Professional Practice 
  • Approved CGEE Study Abroad Course
  • Director approved elective