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Latinx Student Services


Latinx Student Services (LSS) provides programs and resources that empower Latinx scholars at Augsburg University to thrive in higher education, develop and strengthen their self-advocacy and leadership skills, and contribute to the advancement of our larger Latinx community. Most importantly, LSS seeks to be an inclusive place where students feel a sense of belonging and community and find pride in their self-identified identities, affinities, and culture.


We believe when students have a greater understanding of self, they become empowered to reclaim* ownership of their education. Multicultural Life provides opportunities to deepen awareness and knowledge of identity, resilience, and advocacy.


Latinx Student Services, formerly known as “Hispanic/Latino Student Services Program” was established in January of 1993 to support a majority international and second generation of Latin@ students. Alumnus and community leader, Eloisa Echavez founded and also was the first director of the program. The program rebranded in 2017 under “Latinx Student Services” in recognition of the changing demographics and needs of current Latinx students at Augsburg University. Currently, there are nearly 500 Augsburg Day students who self-identified as Latinx. Our students represent a diversity of identities, cultural and national backgrounds, individual and community experiences, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, class, and immigration statuses.


  • Provide a number of scholarships for all Latinx scholars, including DACA and undocumented scholars, such as the Immigrant Opportunity Fund and the HOLA scholarship
  • Support students in their transition to college, such as connecting students and families to our financial aid counselors and other important campus resources
  • Provide opportunities to network with Latinx leaders, students, faculty, and community organizations
  • Advises student organization, Augsburg Latin American Students (ALAS). This is a commissioned organization whose purpose is to promote, educate, and engage the broader Augsburg and surrounding communities in learning about the Latinx culture and encourage awareness and respect for students of Latinx ancestry. Follow ALAS on Auggie Life and Instagram
  • Most recently, with the guidance of students, Latinx Student Services has established a new mentorship program named, Sembrando Nuestro Futuro. Our mission is to strengthen and empower our Latinx students to thrive holistically in higher education, build an inclusive community, and develop a meaningful community. Follow us on Instagram and Auggie Life.

stay updated with us!

¡Qué Hay de Nuevo! Latinx Student Services Monthly Newsletter


Latinx Student Services April Newsletter Latinx Student Services March Newsletter Latinx Student Services February Newsletter Latinx Student Services January Newsletter Latinx Student Services December Newsletter




La oficina de Servicios para Estudiantes Latinx (LSS) te da la bienvenida a Augsburg University. Independientemente de si estás comenzando tu primer año ó te hayas transferido,  LSS es un lugar que ofrece una variedad de servicios, programas, y apoyo para ti, tu familia, y nuestra comunidad.

LSS está ubicada en la planta baja de Christensen Center, Suite 2 (edificio #3 en el mapa)

Horario de oficina: Lunes a Viernes, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Citas: En persona en Oyate Commons o llamando al 612-330-1459

Latinx Student Services Program ManageR

Pronouns: She/Her/ Ella
Department Email:

Direct Email:
Direct Line: 612-330-1309
Español: 612-330-1459


Attaining a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota in Chicane and Latine Studies and Racial Justice in Urban Schooling, Erika Hernández is a brown Xicana community organizer, educator, and proud daughter of Mexican immigrant parents. Driven by Ethnic Studies, Chicana feminism, and decolonization, Hernández aims to create intentional, creative, and liberatory spaces where our students of color can share their stories to radically imagine different worlds. Her years of experience include culturally sustaining pedagogy, restorative justice, youth program development, artivism, policy work, and grassroots organizing.

Erika Hernández es la Administradora del Programa de Servicios Estudiantiles Latinxs. Con una licenciatura de la Universidad de Minnesota en Estudios Étnicos con enfoque en la comunidad Chicana y Latina, y Justicia Racial en Educación Urbana, Erika Hernández es una organizadora comunitaria, educadora y orgullosa hija de padres inmigrantes Mexicanos. Impulsada por los estudios étnicos, el feminismo Chicane y la descolonización, Hernández tiene como objetivo crear espacios intencionales, creativos y liberadores donde nuestros estudiantes puedan compartir sus historias para imaginar mundos radicalmente diferentes. Sus años de experiencia incluyen pedagogía de apoyo cultural, justicia restaurativa, desarrollo de programas juveniles, artivismo, políticas y abogacía.