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Pan-Asian Student Services


Pan-Asian Student Services (PASS) was created in 1992 to recruit and retain Asian students and to enhance the quality of their total experience while at Augsburg.  Now the program does much more than recruit and retain.  Through the PASS Program, Augsburg encourages and supports activities where Asian students can not only educate and enrich themselves, but contribute to the community of learners at the University.  A major focus of the PASS program is to create opportunities where Asian students can be involved in and contribute to all aspects of academic and student life.  The PASS program works to create a supportive environment where Asian students can achieve their highest academic, social and personal goals while at Augsburg.


We believe when students have a greater understanding of self, they become empowered to reclaim* ownership of their education. Multicultural Life provides opportunities to deepen awareness and knowledge of identity, resilience, and advocacy.

*Due to the white supremacist foundation that is rooted within higher education, education does not allow historically underserved students to take a stake in their learning.


The PASS program started in April 1992 and was supported by Augsburg President Charles Anderson. Augsburg had received a large grant from the General Mills Foundation to develop support services for Asian students, focusing on Southeast Asian populations. Having supported the American Indian support services a few years prior, Anderson saw the same need in the Asian community, especially for Southeast Asian and first-generation college students. The support program was initially called “Asian American Support Services (AASS)” and housed on the second floor of the Music Building.

Today, the program serves over 200 self-identified Asian or mixed ethnicity undergraduate students and manages a peer-to-peer mentor program that helps Augsburg recruit and retain the Pan Asian community.


  • Provide scholarships for Asian students through Asian Students in Actions Scholarship
  • Support and mentor students
  • Provide resources and opportunities through internal and external collaborations
  • Advises student orgs: Augsburg Asian Student Association, Hmong Women Together, and Pan-Asian Student Services Mentoring Program

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PASS June '23 Newsletter PASS July '23 Newsletter PASS August'23 Newsletter PASS October'23 Newsletter PASS November'23 Newsletter PASS January '24 Newsletter PASS February'24 Newsletter PASS March'24 Newsletter PASS April '24 Newsletter PASS June '24 Newsletter PASS September '24 Newsletter PASS October'24 Newsletter PASS November'24 Newsletter


PAn-asian student services program manager

Paul Vang

Manager of Pan-Asian Student Services
Phone: (612) 330-1530

Office Location: 2A Suite, Christensen Center
Hometown: Blaine, MN

Paul Vang is a first-generation college graduate and is a son to Hmong refugee parents.  Paul graduated from St. Cloud State with a Bachelors of Science in Social Work.  Paul is passionate about instilling leadership in young people and impacting systems that bring positive change, this pushed him to obtain his Masters of Arts in Organizational Leadership from Crown College.  His professional experience includes nonprofit, public and educational sectors where he served mainly youth and young adults in positions such as Program Director, Youth & Family Program Specialist, and District Homeless Liaison.  What excites Paul about the Pan-Asian Student Services Program Manager position is the ability to mentor students who reflect his educational and professional journey.

Paul’s favorite food is pho, the best pho he’s had is from Shank & Bone in San Diego, CA.  His hobbies include fishing, taking walks with his family, spending time outdoors, movie nights and playing sports.